25 July 2024



By Andy Weddington

Thursday, 25 July 2024

From caring comes courage.  - Laozi

Last weekend my sister dropped off a copy of 'Good Energy' by Casey Means, MD (published 2024). 

I'm about halfway. Much to digest (pun but not). 

Dr. Means's non-fiction thriller, page-turner certainly, is about sundry types and trillions of cells in the human body, and the fuel(s) required to thwart preventable chronic illness and disease.

She outlines a course of action for Good Energy - health - at the micro - for each of us. 

That is, how to properly fuel each type of cell as to maximize their functional role effectively and efficiently operating, while cooperating, the body.

As complicated as the science, the necessary (human) behavior - eating responsibly - is simple.  

What interests me is in her course of action is analogy for Good Republic - good health of America.

Bottom line: Core - personal pride and self-discipline. 

Principle enemies of Good Energy: Refined added sugars; refined vegetable and seed oils; refined grains. 

All poison. Toxic. 

Principle enemies of Good Republic: Domestic enemies (especially in government); on watch oathtakers dereliction of sworn (Constitutional) duty; citizenry cowardice. 

All poison. Toxic. 

Yesterday in Washington, D. C. - our nation's Capital - while the visiting head of state of Israel spoke to Congress, people hostile to America struck and burned our colors, raised their flag(s), and with spray paint desecrated, with threats, beautiful public works. 

Where was the Americans?

In contrast, but couple months ago on the campus of the University of North Carolina (Chapel Hill) a small group of fraternity brothers, witnessing an attack, engaged and stopped a mob attempting to disgrace our colors. 


Fraternity brothers mustered the courage to do something. 

Consider their bravery. 

Americans I understand. 

Mulling over the past couple weeks of nonsense - in Butler, PA; Washington, D. C.; elsewhere about America - some thoughts codified ...

1. In Butler, PA a coward - seemingly cog of government ineptness or most concerning plot - attempted to kill courage and failed. 

2. Every alibi aside, last night President Biden surrendered; drop kicked aside is not dropped out.  

3. The Constitution alone does not a Republic make. Republics are born, raised, nourished, and preserved, from courage.

4. Perhaps we ought deploy UNC-CH fraternity men - nationwide - to stop those hostile to America from striking and desecrating our colors.

5. So, Commandant of the Marine Corps - General Smith - What is your plan, Sir, to preempt the enemy from attacking and striking and burning colors at the Iwo Jima Memorial?

6. America's core problem is representation has for too long morphed into government holding no genuine trembling fear of the citizenry. The people have failed, abysmally, their Constitutional duty. 

7. Etc. 

With Good Energy cells distributed throughout the body, when properly equipped (fueled), they respond to repair problems and destroy invaders. And, when necessary, summon other cells to help. But failure inevitable if cells not fit. 

From that lesson is reinforced fit distributed networks work. 

In Good Republic, same.

Unfit armies, cells or people, fail.  

Fuel for Good Republic is not a consumable to operate sundry physiological systems.


The fuel for Good Republic is intangible, is ethereal. But real. 

Caring first then courage.

Cowardice is cancer (preventable chronic illness/disease).  

Parchment without prowess is what?

The not sugar-coated, slick, grainy truth ...

Today's America; unfit people, unfit country. 

Yet today does not have to be tomorrow.

Fuel Good Energy. Fuel Good Republic.

And when whatever cells need help, rally - flashmob; overwhelmingly. 

Good Energy, Good Republic. 

To repeat, all good necessarily begins, with caring, at the micro level.

To point, Corey Comperatore (retired fire chief) - for caring - gave his life in Butler, PA. As did two others - for caring - sustain serious gunshot injuries. Others injured, too. 

Examples of caring and courage fuel caring and courage. 

Not boys, 'Send in the fraternity men!'

So much for, 'Send in the Marines!' 

And ...

Absolutely get a copy of 'Good Energy' - a personal Constitution - to read, to reference henceforth - to change your life; if only the pride, self-discipline, caring and courage. 

Never too late.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Smith has never had a plan. We have a female PAO commanding the oldest post of the Corps. Awful. While a strapping infantry colonel doesn’t get the opportunity to command, so she can.
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