21 August 2024



By Andy Weddington

Wednesday, 21 August 2024

Only cheat the cheaters, boy - you can't cheat an honest man!  - Mordecai Jones

Last night, on Prime, I watched the recently released documentary FLYNN.

The 2+ hours program summarizes what the government did to destroy an honest and innocent man - Lieutenant General Michael Flynn, U. S. Army. 

I'm not going to summarize other than Lieutenant General Flynn is a patriot. A man of admirable courage - moral and physical. 

Watch the solidly done, easy-to-follow film!  

It was late so retired thereafter with two nagging thoughts: 1. How in the world could a senior military intelligence analyst and advisor to the President ever come to the conclusion that the right thing to do was trust lawyers; 2. We have a grave national problem - those sworn to confront and defeat domestic enemies are a domestic enemy. 

Relevant ...

I've a few questions about the millions of military aged males illegally in our country.

Where are they?

Where are the training camps?

Is DoD's shortage of military uniforms (from published articles) due to outfitting the illegals?

What is the relevance of attempted gate crashing by foreigners at U. S. military bases (recently published Marine Corps Base, Quantico, Virginia and Lackland Air Force Base, Texas)? Has there been other attempts not reported/not published?

Who is the not elected people carrying out duties as President of the United States? And why in the hell is the citizenry tolerating such nonsense?

Have received queries for thoughts on the Democrat HARRIS/WALZ ticket. 

Reminds me of the popular 1990s sitcom Seinfeld. They are NEWMAN/COSTANZA

For those not familiar ...

Why Newman? Because, throughout the series, he's the consummate schemer and bullshitter. Make sure Newman is always to your front and no closer than arm's length. That's the Vice President. [Frankly, every career politician.]

Why (George) Costanza? One amongst many episodes comes to mind: Friend of George's confesses, "I've been living a lie," and before he can complete comment George interrupts, "Just one? I'm living like 20." That's Walz. The irony is physical resemblance.

Oh, and that grating Kamala Harris cackle ... it's an involuntary incompetency defense mechanism (remembered that from Psych 101 49 years ago - certain it still applies). 

Theirs is not a serious ticket.


Because the little bit of the DNC Convention I have monitored the names Donald Trump and J. D. Vance mentioned far more than Kamala Harris and Tim Walz. 

That is the distract and vilify strategy of a team that has no game whatsoever.

And consider for three and a half years Vice President Harris has been touting the exceptional cognitive and physical agility of President Biden while gushing how wonderful their work bettering American life. 

All of it nonsense. 

Yet now candidate for President Harris is vowing to fix all the problems on Day 1. 


This morning while driving about the community last evening's nagging thought about our domestic enemy problem came to mind, and with conclusion ...

when tens of millions of everyday honest, patriotic Americans have had enough they will, one way or another in accordance with the Constitution, take down the government including the Department of Defense, and restore representation.

No doubt. 

Why such confidence? 

Honestly, logic. 

That government/Department of Defense, during 20 years, could not defeat lesser armed and motivated forces in Afghanistan nor Iraq. 

So, it follows millions of American Michael Flynn types - honest, patriotic men - will prevail.

In God We Trust.

Keep the faith.  


Jim said...

Andy, I pray to the Lord everyday that there are millions of Flynn's out there who put country first above all else. Meanwhile, I stand ready to join them and assist any way this old Grunt can.

Jim said...

I hope you don't mind Andy, but I published a link on my blog to this fantastic post

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Colonel, for the unvarnished truth. Chuck J sends Chesty

Paul Plante said...

A very well written article. Should be required reading for all Americans.

Anonymous said...

I look around at the framed pictures on my walls. Patton, Chesty Puller, Washington, Grant and now Trump with his fist raised and his face bloodied, a group portrait of the Red Tails and my father. His intestines ripped out by a shell in WW1 but he refused to be sent home and went back to his unit at the front by stealing a motorcycle and leaving before they could ship him home. He was spared dishonorable discharge because as they stated, "at least he was running in the right direction". And then I see people actively working to destroy our country from the inside. If it reaches the point when patriots need to rise up, I pray that I will get one last burst of adrenaline to make my legs work. I have no problem with my index finger working.