19 August 2024



By Andy Weddington

Monday, 19 August 2024

You are what you eat eats.  - Michael Pollan

A bit more than twenty-eight years ago I was ordered to report to Headquarters U. S. Marine Corps (HQMC) for duty as an action officer in Manpower and Reserve Affairs (M&RA).

Within the first few weeks I sat in on a brief and listened while the senior general taking the brief offered perspective that resonated and has since. 

He said making change at headquarters was a difficult job. 

He relied on analogy. 

Unforgettable ... 

In so many words, he said making change was like making a dent in a large marshmallow. You poke the marshmallow and it springs back into shape. You poke again and it springs back into shape. After about the seventh or eighth poke it still springs back into shape but not so quickly. You keep poking. And poking. And then, finally, a dent.

That was one of a handful of invaluable life's lessons captured during three years at HQMC. 

As to the marshmallow story, that not only applies to HQMC but for making any sort of change - anywhere. 

Because, as a long retired Marine pal says, "People are strange ducks."

Do ducks eat marshmallows? 

No idea. 

But people eat them. People, strange or not, eat a lot of marshmallows. 

That about to be addressed has been topic of at least a couple recent commentaries. 

It's important. 

So, poking the marshmallow.

Some 70% of American adults are overweight or obese. Some so obese they duck walk - waddle. 

I believe that number low. Pay attention when out and about - America is fat. 

Only 17% of youth of military age are fit for service.

Seventeen percent.

Of the 83% not fit a big cohort is overweight or obese.  

Concerned? You should be. 

And there's more unnerving data sounding alarms about American health and fitness. 

This is a national emergency!

It's a national security issue. 

How has this miserable, dangerous state of lack of national preparedness and readiness happened?

People have become garbage disposals. 

"Food" processors stripping nutrients and adding refined sugars, grains, and seed oils - into practically everything - is the problem. 

A huge problem!

The chemists have deviously polluted consumables to make them addictive. 

Meanwhile, clever ad men have bombarded the public with addictive language and images to encourage eating the addictive junk.

Some taking the deception so far as to claiming it's "healthy" and good for you.

And captains of industry driven to realize profits insatiable.  

The problem is not so confounding but it is compounding. 

Engineered food - garbage - leads to cravings for more, less interest in exercise, and requirement for "medicines" to mask the effects of the toxins. 

It's lethal. 

Garbage disposal is the best descriptor coming to mind.

People are garbage disposals. 

Thoughtlessly, they eat and drink.  

Earlier this morning at a nearby senior living home I had a short impromptu chat with a pretty young girl, volunteering to help elders, beginning her senior year of high school.

Madison told me she's applying to colleges. 

I asked, "Do you know what you want to study?"

So bright and energetic she said, "Medicine. I want to do something in medicine."

"Hard stop, Madison. Have I got a suggestion for you. There's a new book published in May this year titled 'Good Energy' by Casey Means, MD. Dr. Means was educated and trained at Stanford. She's a surgeon. But she left the practice after nine years because she realized something is seriously wrong with American medicine. Get the book! Read it. Pay attention. It's one of the most important books I've read in more than 40 years. You don't know me. But one day you will thank me for this recommendation." 

Madison made note and promised to get Dr. Means's book. 

Should you happen to fall within the aforementioned 70% or 17% or otherwise do not feel like you know you should feel or have concluded you're a garbage disposal then read Dr. Mean's life-changing book 'Good Energy.'

Casey and Calley (brother) Means - 'Good Energy' co-authors - have seen the obvious obvious ,,, that's either not been seen before (unlikely) or has been purposely ignored (most likely) for the root of all that is evil - $. 

Their courage alone to take on big food, medicine, and pharm merits an A+. 

I don't know that Madison will become a doctor. But I know should she pursue medicine she'll be a better practitioner for having read, and digested, 'Good Energy' - a timeless tome. 

And I don't know much about much of anything but I do know the Means siblings are going to change the world.

They merely need to continue poking, but not eating, the marshmallow. 

The dent they leave is going to be enormous. 

And lasting. 

You are absolutely what you eat.

And you are absolutely what you eat eats. 

Do not eat marshmallows! 

Endnote: Previous commentary ...



Anonymous said...

Even more egregious is that citizens who when there were few obese, paid for health care. Today, free health care is considered a given right. Perhaps it isn't a case of the health care providers gouging the consumer (although this is an aspect of increased cost), perhaps it is a demand related issue; more demand, higher costs.

Tom Hickinbotham said...

Andy - Thanks for the recommendation. My copy of "Good Energy" is scheduled to arrive tomorrow. Once read, I'll let you know my opinion(s).

Jim said...

Bravo Zulu to both Andy and Anonymous. I have to fess up. My bride and I are on an extended vacation in our RV, primarily to get away from the horrendous heat in SWFL during August. While camping at various sites in the northern climes (upstate NY, which, BTW is a gorgeous area, and one might even consider living here if the folks up here weren't controlled by the hordes of liberal scum in NYC), we occasionally build a fire. And, yes, I have to admit, we sometimes roast a marshmallow or two. Tonight I shall test poking it before I extend to the coals - LOL. Great post, Andy, and, I MUST get that book, albeit my bride feeds us right. Meanwhile, we continue our trek in the northern climes. The next stop is Shanksville (Flt 93)

A Colonel of Truth said...

Sir, look forward to your conclusions.

A Colonel of Truth said...

Flight 93 site is quite something. Visited last year.