16 August 2024



By Andy Weddington

Friday, 16 August 2024

The most blatant and deadly example of the intervention-based incentives of our medical system is that medical leaders are absolutely silent on the things that are actually making us sick: food and lifestyle.  - Casey Means, MD 

This is the most important commentary I've offered since starting this forum 16 years ago. 

Above is the most important sentence I've ever written in this forum. 

And I cannot fathom a more important commentary henceforward. Ever.

And in no fashion, whatsoever, am I being compensated by the parties mentioned nor by anyone. 

Now ...

Not a month ago I wrote about a book titled 'Good Energy' by Casey Means, MD with her brother co-author Calley Means. 

I've read their compelling book twice - first, as a leisure read, and again as if textbook I would be tested on. [I'll be reading again. And Again. And using as reference from now on - as reminder and for recipes.]

After the first read, I implemented sundry dietary and exercise protocols into my already responsible life. [Without going into details of my decade long battle against a disease caused by the toxic water at Camp Lejeune (you've probably seen the ads), I'll say the results have been remarkable. Life changing. If not living and seeing firsthand I'd not believe - because I have read extensively and lived a disciplined life yet not able to reach the markers I intuitively believed possible. The Means come from a new perspective - truth. So not just life-changing but life-saving.] 

In short, their book is about the dismal state of metabolic health - from medicine and big business perspectives - in America. 

And what you can do to counterattack. 

And I use the word 'counterattack' deliberately because we are under attack by a pact of enemies: Food processing; medicine; big pharm. 

Today, I watched the Means siblings in a 2 hours 15 minutes conversation with Tucker Carlson. [Note: If you have not joined TuckerCarlson.com then strongly encourage. Tucker is telling America the truth through exceptional guests addressing current events topics of concern. Annual membership more than reasonable and has already given me exceptional value for the nominal cost.]

Somehow, their important discussion must be watched, and acted on, by all Americans. 

The Means have dropped the biggest of nuclear bombs to get public attention: That is, your food is by-design poison causing illnesses that medicine and pharm need in order to stay in and expand business and grow profits. 

It's sick. But true. 

I do not have time to write an insightful summary of the conversation. Nor would I try for fear of diluting their message. 

Reflecting, I cannot think of ever hearing, reading, or seeing anything more important to the future of America during my life: We are deep in a national crisis of self-destruction. That is not exaggeration. 

The borrowed copy of 'Good Energy' I returned after reading and bought my own copy. 

I do not know nor have met Tucker nor the Means. But sure hope to one day. 

Does this trio's conversation directly impact you, your children, and grandchildren? 

You better believe it! Daily. 

Attention Deficit Disorder; autism; premature puberty; diabetes; infertility; Alzheimers; breast, prostate, pancreatic, et al., cancers; fatty liver disease; etc., are chronic preventable diseases. [But they're big money.]  

Make time. 

Listen to the Means - they were once part of the machine they aim to dismantle. 

Moral duty and courage driving their simple message. 

Their passion undeniable. 

Tucker said to them, "You are going to change the world."

No question. 

Absolutely they will change the world. 

America first!

By all means, please pass along this Means commentary. Thank you! 

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