08 August 2024



By Andy Weddington

Thursday, 08 August 2024

War makes strange giant creatures out of us little routine men who inhabit earth.  - Ernie Pyle

Eighty years ago American white guys saved the world.

Not many of them alive today. 

All they really wanted was to be left alone. 

To, like everyone else, chase dreams. 

To this day cemeteries in America, Europe, South Pacific, and elsewhere mark truth - their selflessness and duty. The resting places of dreams.  

Sure, others, too, sacrificed but predominately American white guys.

Rough American white guys.


The sort of guys George Orwell wrote about standing ready to do violence upon evil so others could sleep peaceably in their beds. 

These guys, men, still exist. 

They just want to be left alone. 

They want to chase dreams. 

But, like 80 years ago, evil is threatening - here and abroad - and American white guys will have to answer the call to, again, save the world. 

It seems inevitable. 

I've mentioned before and will again. Read Ernie Pyle's 'Brave Men' published in 1944; his on the frontlines accounts of combat - air, land, sea - in Europe and the South Pacific. 

He descriptively writes of war up close and personal. 

Mind-boggling all of it and chilling most of it. 

Women can't do what those men were asked to do. And did! 

Women do not have the strength, speed, nor stamina to carry out and endure the not endurable, and prevail.  

It is not a matter of courage. 

To point, and that will be the end of that ... Olympic boxing. 

Two men, boxing women who courageously or stupidly - take your pick - voluntarily entered the ring, demolished the women. 

No contest. 

There was referee.

Perhaps the ref being the only variable that kept a woman from getting seriously injured or killed.  

The ring but taste of what men will do to women on battlefields; and worse if captured. 

Now a pragmatic take on ground truth ... 

Spread across the nooks and crannies of America is the world's biggest trained armed force. 


Every single one sworn to support and defend the Constitution. 

The vast majority, having already agreed to sacrifice life, take the obligation to heart. 

Patriots, too, who may not have served in uniform but carry the spirit of commitment to Constitution.

They merit respect. 

The aggregate easily into tens if not hundreds of millions. 

Their dispersion is both strategic and tactical advantage and facilitates self-organizing with capability of action and adaptation; coordinated or not. 

I know a lot of these men.

So do you know a lot of these men.

Not all white but most. 

Anyway, color moot.

Our national color their focus.

There cannot be an American dream if not country and culture for dreams to be pursued.

Maybe I'm wrong. I sure hope so. 

But I don't see American white guys who just want to be left alone being quiet much longer. 

They're going to answer the call. 

They're going to have to save the world - again; else shame fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers who did their duty.  

Somewhere out there is an Ernie Pyle type who'll record the grit, courage, sacrifices, injuries, and deaths of brave men; the American white guys not caring whatsoever about the color of rough and brave men carrying out duty.   

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