28 July 2024



By Andy Weddington

Sunday, 28 July 2024

Failure is not fatal, but failure to change might be.  - John Wooden

Last evening I watched a film released this year that was set in Cyprus. 

And learned a new Greek word. 

To that momentarily. 

The President of the United States is responsible for the security of the United States. 

Responsibility cannot be delegated. 

President Joe Biden entrusted Vice President Harris with accountability for the border. 

What has she accomplished? 

Presuming she took her oath of office as duty, nothing. 

That more than ten million, from who knows how many countries - many hostile to the United States, have trespassed into America quite clearly substantiates failure. 

Granted, I am a simpleton. 

Complexity interests me to the point of figuring out how to simplify. 

If not having successfully failed countless times, I'd have no grounds to claim success at all. 

Securing the border of the United States is not difficult.

I'll not bother with addressing specific measures. 

But will break down, in a language I know - Marinespeak, Vice President Harris's lack of performance.


That's the acronym drilled into Marines (J. D. Vance surely knows), especially leadership - fireteam leader to Commandant - used to tackle orders. 

Quite simple. 

B: Begin planning

A: Arrange Reconnaissance

M: Make Reconnaissance

C: Complete Plan

I: Issue Orders

S: Supervise

Simple evaluation of the Vice President ...

She did not, 1. Construct plan; 2. Arrange border visit; 3. Make border visit; 4. Complete plan; 5. Issue orders; 6. Supervise (as there was nothing to supervise).

Consequently, communities, towns, and cities across America overrun by humans not vetted whatsoever.

That's called an invasion. 

What might be logical explanations?

Contrary to their oaths of office, the President ordered the Vice President to purposely not only neglect but destroy border security?

The Vice President is incompetent?

The Vice President is a domestic enemy?

The Vice President deliberately disobeyed the President?


The Vice President was delegated accountability. 

She failed. 

Her failure means the President failed his responsibility. 

What might be logical explanations?

The President is incompetent?

The President is a domestic enemy?

The President deliberately failed to comply with oath of office?


Politics does not interest me. 

Who the President and Vice President moot. 

What interests me is the Constitution of the United States. 

Swearing oath 44 years ago to support and defend that sacred document, up to and including risk of serious personal injury and death, sears into soul a responsibility the not initiated cannot understand. 

The sitting President failed America. 

The sitting Vice President failed America. 

That new Greek word learned last evening?


Alas, like the American star of the film who was advised to look it up in his Greek/American dictionary, I chuckled.

But what we live is not a laughing matter. 

Time to change in November. 

Or failure just might be fatal.  

Note: 'Find Me Falling' starring Harry Connick, Jr.  Recommend.   

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