30 July 2024



By Andy Weddington

Tuesday, 30 July 2024

Sports and politics don't mix.  - Eric Heiden

Eric Heiden (XY), American distance speed skater, competed against men (XY) in the 1980 Winter Olympics. 

He won five Gold medals. 

He did not compete against women (XX). 

Nor did women compete in the men's events. 

In short, sanity in play. 

An interview with Eric during those games came to mind this morning during a walk.

There was footage of him training, practicing his stroke - back and forth for hours, on a sheet of plastic in his home; his legs massive.

Funny how some things register deep in memory. 

The reporter asked, "Eric, what does it take to be an Olympic champion?"

"Parents have to decide if they want a son or daughter or an Olympic champion," he said.

Clear enough. 

Fast forward 42 years and Riley Gaines, collegiate female (XX) swimmer, lost to a (XY) trans competitor going by the less masculine name Lia Thomas. 

The pretty blue-eyed blonde Gaines has turned activist to restore sanity.

This morning rolling through X I noticed Riley Gaines posted about boxing in the Olympics. 

There are two males (XY) identifying as "women" boxing females (XX) commonly called women. 

Having only watched a bit of the Olympics in the evening, first hearing. 

Worth mentioning is I did not see any XY "women" competing in XX women gymnastics.

Anyway, Riley closed her post with comment that a woman is going to get killed. 

Well, yeah.

The XY "woman" boxer has height, weight, reach, strength, stamina, and punching power advantage; all variables an XX woman is not going to overcome. Ever. 

Is it not foregone conclusion the two XY "women" boxers will square off for the Gold?

Women train and sacrifice for years to compete in the Olympics only to have no chance of winning? 

It's ludicrous the best an Olympic female boxer can hope for (outside lucky punch or opponent dropping dead from myocarditis) is Bronze. 


Mulling over this nonsense during the walk I came to the conclusion the women boxers would better demonstrate courage, real courage, by refusing to enter the ring.

All (XX) women ought refuse. 

Sanity is on their side.

The Olympic spirit is fair competition.

Sport moot, there's nothing fair about males competing against females; especially pugilistic sport. 

This DEI movement? 



Shorthand for WEIRD. 

A sport, flashmob of humanity, fixes it. 

Courage required. 

1 comment:

Jim said...

Andy, the world has become a third world shit hole like the U.S. There is no sanity any more anywhere. I agree that the womwen should show courage, but go through all the motions of competing, but at the last moment, refuse to step into the ring. Surely some media person will ask why she refused to enter the ring. Then speak her part and blast the IOC to the world.