22 July 2024



By Andy Weddington

Monday, 22 July 2024

The real enemy of safety is not non-compliance but non-thinking.  - Rob Long

So far today I've perused social media and watched a little of what is spewed as "news" on TV.  

No Biden sightings - since decision letter released yesterday that he'd not be running again but will remain as President.

The peculiar letter is being subjected to an MRI by pro and amateur sleuths - from letterhead, to content, to signature.

Some more notable podcasting bobbleheads with big audiences question if Biden knows about the letter and his fate. 

That's probably 50/50. 

Is he on ventilator? Was he "Epsteined"? Secrets spark imagination of the curious; with anything possible. 

Others question, "Who's the President? Who's running the country?"

Those questions strike me odd as the answers have not changed since 20 January 2021: Biden is President. Obama is running the country. 

Yesterday's sloppy letter merely made aloud the quiet part. Nothing more. 

So now the Democrat party is in confusion. 

Which has more notable bobbleheads asking, "If our country is attacked tomorrow, who's in charge? What's the chain of command?"

To those questions in a moment.  

Meanwhile, a House Committee spent the morning delivering angry, some colorful, language to U. S. Secret Service Director Cheatle. 

Complementary strong letters and on camera appearances to come. 

Cheatle kept her cool and offered nothing of substance. 

Nine days post-assassination attempt (of President Trump) and death and injuries of citizens she has yet to visit the site in Butler, PA. 

Rather incredible, actually. 

So today's hearing stands as perfect example why committee hearings are a waste of taxpayer time and money. 

Yet again, in the best interest of time and substance and to realize truth, I offer all witnesses, especially hostile (Cheatle was subpoenaed), ought be wired to lethal polygraph - with redundancy. 

Skin in the game changes everything. Everything. 

Imagine the audiences. And subsequent interest in government.  

Even in gravely serious matters there's unscripted humor. Noted: Cheatle (good guy [falsely presumed]) and Crooks (bad guy - shooter) - names the best of fiction writers could not have invented for the drama at hand. 

Anyway, conclusion known: No one will be held accountable, responsible, nor punished. While the guilty decorated and promoted and the innocent crucified. 

I believe there's better chance of getting truth if starting with presumption of plot vice government incompetence. At this point, the facts more easily fall into place. 

Now about the questions concerning America's national security - homeland (attack on CONUS) and abroad (namely China attacking Taiwan). 

The most lethal weapons on the planet are pointless without competent leadership managing employment; as stick, as strike. 

Some argue America's nuclear arsenal, particularly patrolling submarines, is what keeps adversaries in line. 

Somewhat, maybe, but no. 

At the macro, leadership is stability. 

Time is relative. 

In dog years five months is hours.

Donald Trump is now the macro stabilizing factor atop the micro Democrat Party confusion.

The planet knew Donald Trump before he escaped assassination; a serious man now a changed serious man.

That Trump is technically not holding power is moot to the power he wields in name and presence. 

Back in the Oval Office will change the game. 

Seems to me, America is safer today than we've been these past three and a half years.


Last night the best sleep in years; the conscience knows.  

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