02 August 2024



By Andy Weddington

Friday, 02 August 2024

All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking. - Friedrich Nietzsche

I have not run, at all, in more than 18 years. 

For three reasons. 

First, during retirement physical the doctor advised to stop. 

Second, a retired Marine friend's father, too a retired Marine, commented to him about Marines running three miles on the fitness test: "Son, I've never run anywhere in my life. Not even in combat."

And that Marine's father saw a lot of combat; at least three theaters. 

Third, counsel of Calvin Coolidge: "I do not choose to run."

I walk. 

At least twice a day and often three times. 

I look, listen to nature and noisy human activity, and think about nothing in particular. 

The more resonating thoughts I record in a soundbite. 

Some of late ...

Psst ... hesitant to voice your beliefs to a friend for fear of reaction and losing their friendship? They never were a friend. Find better people. 

Stupidity ... does not merit sympathy. 

Citizenry ... cowardice welcomes whatever hell cometh from government. 

Bluntly ... a woman voluntarily entering a ring to fight a man has agreed to suffer the consequences. The insanity stops when all women refuse to "compete" against men. 

Olympic women's boxing ... two men are in the field and pummeling the women. In any other setting it's called domestic violence. The non-fiction truth is two men will square off for Gold and a woman will take Bronze only because a third man is not in the field. If you can come up with better fiction, please post comment. 

Insanity ... men will continue to dominate women's sports until all women, sport moot, unify and refuse to play. Otherwise, they enable, exasperate, and escalate the absurdity. Quit whining. 

Fencing ... to the point: Better foil wins. Tip: Practice!

Sleeping ... your way to the top is not possible. Bleeping your way makes for endless possibilities. 

Politics ... opting to play in a game of no rules though abiding by a set of self-assigned rules guarantees you'll be ruled by no rules rulers. 

Life ... that non-stop one-way out-of-control venture of unpredictability requiring courage, faith, love, perseverance, and mostly a sense of humor. 

On punishment ... so long as the sane majority continues cowering to the bewilderingly stupid antics of the insane minority, nonsense will escalate to limitless heights of absurdity. Punish the misbehaving child! 

The greatest existential threat to humans? Humans. Earth is going to be just fine, with or without humans. 

New term ... Domesticrat Enemies (for clarity, ought be codified by way of Constitutional Amendment).

From the 'Department of Redundancy Department' files ... media circus.

Contrary to the opinions of queazy women analysts and commentators ... everything about Vice President Harris is fair game. This is politics not 'don't step on the eggshells.' 

I've lived nearly seven complete decades ... and have yet to encounter a not weird human. 

"Undocumented immigrant" ... gobbledygook for trespasser - which is a criminal. 

I think the alert "Breaking News" ... for sake of truth and transparency should be changed to "Fresh Dropping Cow Pie."

Now that the US Secret Service (USSS) and FBI have unmasked themselves as fouled up ... consider the state of the Defense Department. Concerning? Yeah, maybe just a little bit. 

Trump assassination attempt ... the pragmatic investigative starting point is to assume nothing. Nothing!

Voting ... if not knowing for who to vote then do some homework. Watching CNN, et al. and listening to Jon Stewart, et al., is not homework. Otherwise, do humanity a solid, abstain. 

President Trump vows to carry on with out-of-door rallies. Warriors are not intimidated. 

"Failure of Imagination" ... that was the new USSS interim director's under oath comment to Congress as alibi for how shots were fired at Donald Trump. Had I the power, I'd relieved him on the spot for loss of confidence. 

Leave places and things better than you found them. 

Flood ignorance with nonsense and stupidity emerges. 

Excuses ... alibi of the incompetent. 

Simple as that ... if media is not going to fulfill their Constitutional duty then they should not enjoy Constitutional protection. 

Kamala Harris ... is a national security risk. For three and a half years she aided and abetted covering up a cognitively incompetent President. 

Leave it to the wEIrD DEI crowd to label their opponent(s) weird. 

The climate hasn't changed for the better so where do you suppose all the Green New Deal ca$h has landed?

A national no prisoners flashmob fixes Venezuela's stolen election. That's happening. Pay attention, America! 

Left wing confusion ... DEI advocate; DEI pride; angry when noted as DEI hire.

Cowardice ... nervous system response unique to humans. 

So there's uncertainty as to who will join the ticket as Harris's VP. Perhaps if she, and her faithful, drop to their knees and pray - pray hard, the right candidate will come. 

Reminder ... life is hazardous to your health. Politics is lethal. 

America's core problem ... representation morphed government has not genuine trembling fear of the citizenry. The people have failed their Constitutional duty. It's fixable. 

The Constitution alone does not a Republic make. Republics are born, raised, and preserved from courage. 

The US Constitution is damn near perfect. Us is the problem. 

Everything dies is the good news. There is no bad news. 

How to prevent witnesses from lying to Congress ... wire to lethal polygraph. Committee members, too. 

Sh t  Sh w ... Wordle players up. 

Alas, time for lunch. And a walk. 

More thoughts to come.  

Have a great day! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Always on the mark Colonel. Women can't compete and win against men in sports. It's not possible. At stake are medals and money and endorsements.

Only in combat, where the stakes are life and death, can women compete on an equal level with men. Make sense?

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