13 October 2021



By Andy Weddington

Wednesday, 13 October 2021

The world is wrong side up. It needs to be turned upside down in order to be right side up.  - Billy Sunday

Received note inquiring from what book come blurps. Laughed out loud then snorted! Just pay attention to WIGO (What Is Going On)  and make them up. But, maybe, a book. 

Until bound and published, some more ...

- BRANDON - gratest President in U. S. history. 

- When freedom gets hard, people, hard people, say, "When."

- 2024 Democrat ticket: BRANDON/BIDEN

- With numbers and courage, America can be righted overnight.

- Pfrak (newest "f" word) [because any word, legit or not, can mean anything you want it to mean; all that's necessary is agreement]

- Let's impeach Joe Brandon!

- Why is there "need" for a covid "vaccine"? Because we went from filthy water faucets and garden hoses to designer bottled water. 

- "Hi, folks! I'm Joe Brandon and I'm running for Senate."

- Voids get filled. No leaders? No problem. Birth the leadership coaching industry.

- Coming soon ... civil, polished, strong letters of outrage transitioning to measures with more oomph. 

- Meteor? Meteor? No need. Mankind will extinguish life on Earth soon enough. God refers to it as ... 'My Grand Reset.'

- Had a recent job offer (interested in my peculiar way with words). "Do I have to work?" "Yes, of course." "No thanks, what I do is fun!"

- I've many tools - to complement household items and wit - to repair most any thing. And the master tool - sledge hammer - to fix every thing; to beyond repair.

- IF ONLY the stupid people realized they were, and the believed stupid realized they were not. IF ONLY

- As steps in marching ... so is all words in blurps adjustable. [Sometimes I tweak them after publishing.]

- Malcolm Gladwell wrote, in English, a book - 'The Tipping Point' In current American lingo that translates ... 'We're Pissed Off & Done'

- To destroy some aggressive, metastasized cancers, near death a must. Undoubtedly, Founding Fathers knew - granting the people Constitutional ways and means to rid representation not. 

- Overheard a guy, wearing mask and metal colander, standing in line at the post office, "Thank god for Facebook! Now the world knows I'm an authority on everything. Fact-checked."

- Strange ways the world is intertwined - in reality or through language ... dogs and trees, for example - bark; differently.

- Will the collective defense of oath takers in breach be, "Well, fingers were crossed. Swear."?

- Up with people. For clarity - a definitive statement - insert words "some" and "fed" ... as you please.

- LAST NIGHT came credible word there's going to be a nation-wide walk out. So folks can properly pack, is the walk to Canada, Mexico, or elsewhere?

- A stranger inquired, "Where do you get your clever takes on life you call "blurps"? Not so strangely, I inquired with a blurb, "From taking a look at life. Where else is there so much of clever?"

- Problem with the Pentagon? Regardless angle tried, despite all the cubes, square not possible.

- Power of silence: Pride - knowing you are in the right. Discipline - knowing you are in the right.

- On making a first impression - win or woe? Second impressions - find their place. Solely yours, to show.

- I stand for ... God, Country, Corps; oaths; Colors; National Anthem; Pledge of Allegiance; Marines Hymn; Freedom, Truth, Justice; and Ladies. You stand for what?

- In need of expert counsel? On anything? All free on social media - start with Facebook.

- Few things strike (me) more disturbing than a lack of trustworthiness in a U. S. Marine; especially officer. 

- I saw a depressed looking dog drinking coffee walking backwards the wrong way down a one-way street. Perked me up. 

- What's the difference between butterfly and moth? Well, for one, spelling.

- When a little girl can buy an ice cream with a found blue rock from a guy selling from his roving truck, a good sign America has not gone completely mad. [That happened.]

- So today a doctor, inventor of technology for covid vaccines, pointed out the vaccinated are, in fact, super spreaders of new virus variants, and the not vaccinated are not a problem. [Logic: The not vaccinated are safer than the vaccinated.]

- An expert ... is not if unable to translate (their expertise) into understandable plainspeak.

- Think about it ... forcing a "vaccine" into someone who says, "No," is much like rape - no means no.

- Etc. (because there is more - always more)

- "No" - a Constitutionally protected position (! not required)

- The Constitution sides with 'We the People' (an army no army can defeat)

- Today, we celebrate and honor the good guys ... Americans, at Southwest, with balls!

- As noted previously, there is no such thing as a secret. But if you want to get one off your itchy mind, tell someone with Alzheimer's Disease.

- I don't understand the sign - "Lost Dog"  Why not, "Dog Gone"?

- So, Southwest cancelled thousands of flights and blamed weather. In truth, it was absolutely whether - whether employees (pilots) would agree to vaccination. They said, "No!"

- Look around ... There's compelling argument the covid "vaccine" is injecting "stupid" into mRNA.

- There is no such thing as a secret.

- G, D C A F B E? A question of orderly disorder.

- "Let's go, Brandon!" has unmasked shortages of ... 1. Tattoo artists; 2. Red ink

- DON'T FRET - Best to miss than play the wrong note. The brain remedies what's missing but otherwise cringes.

- S      P      A      C      E     is your friend.

- INTEGRITY absent then not COURAGE

- Throne Bestowal - Scan the paper prior to seating. 

- What happened 07 Dec 1941 and 03 Nov 2020? Zero(s).

- As to Education - To get the attention of School Boards these days, imperative it is parents whack them over the head with a great big board - the Constitution.

- Two heads are not better than one. Otherwise, one, per body, would not be the evolutionary standard. (Take it up with God. And Darwin.)

- Think Tank is crew NOT you thinking.

- "equity in grading" - The intent of an east coast primary school system. Engage, parents! This is an attack to marginalize performance - merit to mediocrity. [Who do you want for your heart surgeon, airline pilot, or wealth manager? The smart kid? Or the "equity smart" kid?]

- When oaths fail - unmasked is no integrity, accountability, responsibility, etc.

- The Great Reset? The (inevitable) Great War cometh resets The (unrealized) Great Reset.

- When under oath ... "I can't remember" is the response three times or more then there ought be law ordering to "Life in Memory Care."

- Think Tanks tank thinking. 

- 03 November 2020 - Is this, too, "a date that will live in infamy"?

- Unsalted rice cake, egg plant chips, unsweetened plain almond milk - To die for? or To die from?

- Let's go, Brandon!" is already tattooed on somebody.

- [American flag] 1350 Project

- With the current administration ... If Jumpin' Jack flashed, he'd be celebrated not arrested.

- A big mistake it'd be to presume America's warriors are not. 

- Stage 4 cancer does not always win.

- Reflecting on days in uniform ... Nary a commanding officer nor commanding general of mine comes to mind, during an office call, saying, "Andy, let me check with my leadership coach."

- Health Scare ... Today, fully vaccinated last testing negative. Tomorrow, symptomatic positive blaming the negative unvaccinated. 

- If ever wondering whether or not God has a sense of humor, America today answers. We're not supposed to understand His jokes. 

- LIFE is ... for entertainment purposes only.

- SCONES - Perfected! No sugar (added) apple cinnamon walnut. About 85 calories (pie slice). My secret recipe. Really good! Awaiting buyout ...

- GOLF - For beginners, image the joy were the hole the diameter of a basketball hoop. And shrinks, proportionally, to improvement. 

- A Colonel of Truth - 13 years of words (on everything). With government now trying to monitor all transactions of $600.00 or more, please keep applause to $599.99 or less. Thank you!

Finally ...

- Today's the U. S. Navy's birthday. Considering ... Do we sing "Happy Birthday" or extend "Rest in Peace"? 

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