21 October 2021



By Andy Weddington

21 October 2021

You can't legislate intelligence and common sense into people.  - Will Rogers

Last week I rolled more than 1,200 miles of highway, Interstate, and rural roads in four states. 

Leaves, succumbing to Nature, in two of those states spectacular. 

Wheels time makes for wheel time; brain in overdrive.

So, the blurps ...

- Grammar Challenge: Write a sensible 17-words sentence that begins and ends with the same word. [Steve F.'s submission: "Only when America wakes up and challenges politicians will this nation be great again, and then only." Earned A+]

- Though it smarts, it's not possible for a dim bulb to be bright, as smarts know though. [The 17-words that sparked the challenge idea.]

- Funny, the words "trust government" I've not been able to locate in the Constitution. In fact, there's eloquent words aplenty to the contrary; all to preserve the Republic. 

- Warrior's Way: Peace. If not, piece.

- Do something!

- How America morphed from the pre-WWII types who kicked ass, simultaneously, in two theaters to today's populace is, ironically, explained in one word: Freedom.

- Language Alert: "follow the science"- Follow DOES NOT mean trust. Follow means questions - to update science. Ask obvious, difficult, and, yes, stupid questions. Otherwise, the science is but junk. 

- Obedience for lack of courage when right makes for a long miserable life. [There's a "s" word that captures the condition.]

- General Order No. 1: To take charge of this post and all government property in view. [Hope General Milley has competent counsel.]

- It's impossible to be a general officer or an admiral and be woke. Pick one.

- Fair Question: What if the true cause of death ... 'Complications caused by vaccine'? [And not by covid; as is the stock answer.]

- That guy thought to have a 10 pounds brain? Only 8.2 pounds. 

- Then there's this nonsense from the arena of higher learning ... A University President promises to get tattooed and offers parking spaces to students if only to voluntarily take the shot. [Eyewitness. Proud to not be an alum.]

- When, exactly, did you decide to surrender?

- The price of freedom ... Courage!

- Quit tip-toeing through life. Be BOLD!

- For non-representational "government" to endure, intelligence, wherever present in the citizenry, must be extinguished. 

- Follow the calculus ... and vaccination does not make mathematical, logical, nor scientific sense. And that leaves only cents to follow thus making perfect governmental and pharmaceutical sense.

- A friend compared ... vaccination to Russian roulette and concluded better odds with empty cylinders. 

- There's something about indoctrination through forced vaccination that does not align with the American way of life.

- In G -- We Trust: The G on U. S. tender does not stand for "Government."

- Take the gambling exemption! [Otherwise known as freedom of choice.]

- 8 years-old healthy Billy ... unlikely to become ill (~ 100% chance of recovery if) but good chance of chronic problems for life (or dying) if "pre-treated." Well, mom and dad, gamble?

- So explain the logic of someone injecting a "vaccine" into an otherwise healthy person while saying, "With any luck, this won't make you chronically ill or kill you." Take your time. [Sounds much like pushers and drug users.]

- Once generals and admirals now behave as coaches, with cheerleading coaches, all aligning with the cash of politics; not Constitutional. [What was once leadership, and followership - by way of 3 values; 11 principles, and 14 traits - has been overrun.]

- "Fully Terminated" - Those volunteers and voluntolds "fully vaccinated" but for the gamble died from covid anyway, or by vaccine.

- balls ... kick, pass, punt, smack, whack, swat, tether, roll, hit, juggle, heave, lob, pitch, bounce, dribble, pump, deflate, fondle, etc., and surrender.

- S     f     P     o     A     r     C   E [My idea for the "t-shirt." Note: Copyright.]

- thought  thought  thought  thought [Four thought and Michelle's "between thoughts" works.]

- Angry? Good! Make it pandemic. 

- No

- Eye-opener of the week ... Startling numbers of fat, soft, out-of-shape college students; noted during campus walkabout.

- The Pentagon's suicides (annual problem) surpass the 2020/21 covid deaths some 16 times. 16 times! 689/43  So, why not "happy pills" for all? [Military suicides: Active Duty - 377; Reserve - 194; Guard - 118.] 

- Happy Face? Yeah, I have one of those. But don't mistake it for being happy.

- There's no mistaking on purpose disasters. Admitting requires integrity - which is, too, clearly hung up in the 'on purpose' supply chain disaster. But, on the bright side, cowardice aplenty.

- What if "follow the science" indicates vaccination is aggravating covid and the normal course of natural immunity? Oops! [A doctor behind the technology development of the vaccine so opines.]

- Data to which the public is entitled ... How many "fully vaccinated" have died due to covid "complications"? [Or did the vaccine kill them?]

- If the life of a healthy pro-abortionist was terminated at the time of each abortion, so would end abortion.

- Government's position of 'heads we win, tails you lose' is not in the spirit of our Constitutional representative government nor freedom of choice. [Do something about it. Duty.]

- My objectivity ... Aligns with correct or incorrect never right or left.

- No Surprise ... That government abandoned warriors in Afghanistan, it follows America's frontline warriors - first responders, nurses, doctors, et al. - would, too, be abandoned. 

- Three 'Big' Theorists ... Dr. Red: If big great toe then big great brain. Dr. Blue: Dr. Red nailed big. Dr. Gray: Matter? Yes! Dr. Red and Dr. Blue. Big!

- Asking for a lot of friends ... Any reports on how much of his salary President Biden has donated to America? Or to China?

- Be B(rav)e!

- Distinguished ... "un" extinguished so relinquished from undistinguished. [Friday night past I witnessed four alum of their University recognized as "Distinguished." Three of the four veterans - all Naval service; two Marines.]

- When there's not true freedom on choice ... of course I will, objectively, voice contrary - it's about the Constitution and duty (not politics). [I swore oath more than 42 years ago.]

- Don't trust or take medical advice from anyone who would leave your ass in Afghanistan. [Borrowed from the net.]

- Play hard, play fair; to win. Play the winner; win or not. 

- Perpetual Comedy ... man in motion, or not.

- Watch vaccination rates climb ... When reporting all the true data and affording citizens the American way of making personal healthcare decisions. [By force does not capitalize on the American psyche much less human nature.]

- There's difference, other than spelling, between chicken and coward. And if I have to clarity, assume you're coward.

- I publish nothing on social media I'd not happily say face-to-face. There's high art to civilly telling someone they're a chocolate mess. [Ask not acquaintances but friends who know me.]

- Always the Science ... until it threatens corruption and cash flow. (Yes, redundant, I know.)

- Those not vaccinated are not the root cause of morphing variants of covid. That problem is coming from the vaccinated - super spreaders; commented a doctor. [Not only is that science from the doctor but logic.]

- MARINES ... Know there was a day 3 Core Values; 11 Principles and 14 Traits of Leadership fixed all. 

- A nation fractures for lack of common "unifying" experience - personal sacrifice, hardship, teamwork, and achievement not otherwise possible. Mandate? Military service. [Some time is better than no time.]

- May as well make chemotherapy mandatory. You know, diagnosed but you do not have a choice.

- Now that we know the difference ... What do "butterfly" and "moth" have in common? Well, for starters, the letter "t."

- Save your Pennies! Government is coming for them.

- Life's real problem, which most people never consider, is how to excel outside the restrictive influence of language. 

- My best questions come to mind early evening while drinking a room temperature glass of Publix orange flavored club soda. 

- If misery loves company then why is so many a company miserable?

- LONGEVITY ... according to spellcheck and fact-check "shortevity," the logical opposite, is not.

- America in summary ... Americans who do not want to be Americans do not want you to be American. By the day, peaceful resolution does not look promising.

- America's Struggle ... Settling on what's worse - Joe Brandon, President or Hunter Brandon, artist?

- An Objective Media means A Dead Left

- Go Ahead ... eat that double cheeseburger, large fries, and Coke. Your odds of death by stroke or heart attack much greater than by covid - vaccinated or not. 

- THINK POSITIVE - There's 6% chance it's not going to storm. 

- How to identify a Southwest pilot at a poker table? Always holding a pair.

- Etc. (Absolutely the most important abbreviation in all of language.)

- CARRY ON - to continue, to tantrum, to airplane

- As the cheesy salesman pitched a customer ... "Ever get your Cheetos stuck in a vending machine? Why in the world would you buy a car that way?"

- WAR ... a momentary state when the civilized degrade to raw brutality that temporarily settles everything and resolves nothing. 

- The right to ... bare arms is sort of like bear arms but not as hairy, not as scary.

- For now ... fire from the mouth. By other means, later. 

- When life per Constitution is infected, treatment protocol prescribed therein. 

- A good amount of cents may be realized from a good amount of sense.

And ...

- I never aspired to be President but seriously considering name change to "Letzgo Brandon" for a run in 2024. [Maybe 82 million possible.]

To Will Rogers opening sentiment ...

So explains everything. 

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