21 June 2021



By Andy Weddington

Monday, 21 June 2021

Exaggerate the essential, leave the obvious vague. - Vincent Van Gogh

Saturday morning along Interstates 85/40 and 77 from Raleigh, NC into SC just south of Charlotte traffic moved. Fast. Too fast. Way too fast. 

So many vehicles moving in the 100 MPH range we lost count. 

More than a few times three, four, or five cars seemed a train and weaving, not signaling lane changes and sudden braking, in and out of speed limit traffic.


I was surprised to not witness an accident.

More surprised to not see a single state trooper in either state. 

Is this a consequence of defund the police?

Topics that came to mind during the drive and while visiting family ...

1. Everybody is Wuhan fighting - Kung Phooey! Nonsense. All of it. As my late dad would say, "Leak? My aching ass." The manmade China virus was an attack. Strike back! Hard. Punish. Make them pay. Then we can move on. 

2. The "White" block on forms should be expanded to include subcategories: Underprivileged; Not Privileged; Privileged. Let's be fair; relying on the "honor system." 

3.  The election ... Are thousands of people, especially in swing states, who swore affidavits and testified under oath as to witnessing voting infractions, crimes, and fouled up equipment liars? Of course not. I found the politically correct word to summarize the 80+ million votes Biden/Harris "win": Horseshit. 

4. Go see the Van Gogh immersion show. Remarkable. When alive Vincent struggled to sell (if he sold any at all) paintings. After death came demand. Tens of millions. Hundreds of millions. Now this wonderful exhibit. We sat through the 30 minutes video twice, mesmerized, and all I could think about was what would Vincent think? He'd be astounded. Life is not fair. And never will be.  

5. A few hours after Van Gogh a band called Classic Rewind was playing concert in the neighborhood. Huge crowd and mostly families. No masks. No social distancing. Normalcy. And it felt that way - from kids playing to adults having a beer. The evening's genre - 80s. The band was fabulous! And I was proud of my younger sister who could name the song and artist (and she tipped her hat to me for schooling her in youth - learn your music). Yes, know your music. 

6. The same government that for a year waged virus terror on the citizenry and country by shutting down the economy, infringing on freedoms, lying, etc., has now resorted to bullying and offering petty incentives (e.g., $25.00 gift cards and registering for million dollar lotteries) to vaccinate. Eye roll. Seriously? The people have just about got it figured out. 

7. Pay no attention to "news" on TV, radio, Internet, et al. Agenda has smothered objectivity. Brain. Use it. Logic. Common sense. The odds of being struck by lightning or killed by a speeding vehicle on the Interstate far greater than even catching the China virus. This is America. Carry on.

8. Sooner than later tens of millions of citizens will have had their fill of incompetent, dictatorial government and will act, per provisions in the Constitution, to restore representation. Replenish popcorn stores. Stand by. It's coming. There will be no stopping them. Ugly is sometimes beautiful. So goes survival of a Republic. 

9. My brother-in-law makes a mean dirty vodka martini. Shaken. 

There was more but no time to continue.  

Interstate travel home was not any better. Lost count of excessive speeders. Dangerous. No police. But there was a long three lanes wide backup heading the opposite direction - no doubt an accident (presumably caused by speeders). We saw wreckers and ambulances responding but not a state trooper. Defunding police is stupid. Plus up the police. 

This morning on social media appeared t-shirt featuring George Washington in blue tinted sunglasses before a current flag. Caption: "Suck it, England!" George Washington 1776. 

First thought ... Ah, yes, the days when testosterone was in style. 

Testosterone? Oh, it will come back in style. Guaranteed! 

And principal, morals, integrity, courage, etc. to follow. 

As I often reassure friends upset watching decisions and policies and programs that experience in uniform and common sense concludes are not in the best interest of military readiness and national security, "Relax, the next war sorts out all the bullshit."

And it will. 

Humans and circles? Inseparable. Humans love circles. Only circumference differs. The bigger the jerks the bigger the circles.

Meanwhile, everybody is still Wuhan fighting. Kung Phooey!

America! Is this a great country or what?!  

1 comment:

Jim said...

Finally some well deserved humor Andy. Let it out. One has to keep a frame of mind in check. So much happening in the good ole U.S. Sometimes, you just have to laugh and say, oh well what next? For example Nellis AFB hosting a drag queen showing at their Top Three club. LOL, bet that was fun. The base commented "Essential for morale and (get this) readiness. I'm wondering what they are getting ready for. What was their logo, oh yes, "Aim High." You bet! Great post sir, loved, and BTW, keep laughing.