07 September 2018


By Andy Weddington
Friday, 07 September 2018

It's not the heart that compels conclusions in cases, it's the law. Sonia Sotomayor

Late last evening concluded public opportunity to hear from Judge Brett Kavanaugh, Supreme Court nominee, before the Senate Judiciary Committee.

I watched the three days. And could go on and on with analysis but there's enough of that in other forums so will abstain. 

Observations and conclusions ...

Senators who chew gum, on camera (especially while questioning), diminish themselves, their office, and the body proper. It's neither a small nor petty thing. It's about being professional and respectful. There was more than one. That did not happen in Sister Mary Ethel's classroom. It certainly should not have happened during a televised Senate proceeding. Too bad my 6th grade teacher was not present.  

Judge Kavanaugh engaged all Senators with respect and civility.

Some Senators engaged Judge Kavanaugh with respect and warm civility. 

Some Senators engaged Judge Kavanaugh with respect and cool civility.

Some Senators engaged Judge Kavanaugh with (childish) disrespect and hostility. 

Those hostile left the unmistakable impression (on me) as holding little regard for our Constitution, and less regard for a (likely to be confirmed) justice committed to preserving our Constitution. Thank god they are in the minority.

Days were long but Judge Kavanaugh endured. His answers at the end of  a long day no less thorough and articulate than his first answers of the day. 

Judge Kavanaugh prevailed. And did so as a gentleman. 

While watching and thinking about the hearing (yesterday), I grabbed a sketchbook and pencil and from an awkward viewing angle drew my own conclusions, in graphite, of some of the personalities. 

Some likenesses better than others - due to my angle, the angle the camera captured them, and the time on the screen. 

In no particular order ...

For whatever my opinion is worth, Senator Ben Sasse (R, NE) was the best of the lot. Not a lawyer, he asked basic questions and charged the Judge to explain government in terms the average person watching could understand. In essence, history and civics and government lessons. 

One of Senator Sasse's comments was particularly good. His teaching should be required viewing by every American citizen capable of conceptual thought - until it is etched in their psyche. 

The opening quote, by a Supreme Court justice, succinctly summarizes what I heard from Judge Kavanaugh. And that's something some of the Senators need to take to heart.

America will be well served by Judge Kavanaugh. 

But ...

In thought, and in graphite (is so inclined), draw your own conclusions. 


Rob said...

A good one Colonel. And strongly agree that Senator Ben Sasse's remarks should be heard by all who call themselves Americans! Fantastic words.

Tom Hickinbotham said...

The self-serving and disingenuous posturing by NJ Senator Corey Booker was disgusting. "Spartacus" he is not, rather, another noisy, empty suit...