11 September 2024



By Andy Weddington

Wednesday, 11 September 2024

Only Americans can hurt America.  - Dwight D. Eisenhower

For 77 minutes I watched last night's face-off. 

That was 77 minutes too long. 

Because, as each candidate has recent experience in the highest of public office, media's little carnival moot. 

Regardless what Vice President Harris says, she, for three and a half years, told the American citizenry President Biden was cognitively competent and physically spry. 

President Biden was not fit for office. 

She knew. 

There is no getting past the seriousness of her repeated lie. 

That is, Vice President Harris colluded to hide an incompetent President. 

So doing violated her oath of office while endangering national security and citizenry safety. 

By all rights, she merits criminal charges. 

All else of strategic importance - economy, border, crime - to preserving America follows. 

What did she do? Nothing. 

Are you wealthier, safer (nationally and  internationally), and happier than three and a half years ago?

Donald Trump was an effective President.

He did foster a strong economy, support law and order - globally, and inject an air of confidence and pride into country.

Whatever shenanigans corrupting vote cometh ...

1. Is four years more like the past three and a half survivable?; 

2. Is Donald Trump or Kamala Harris more trustworthy with your and your family's safety, well-being, happiness, and freedom(s) to pursue life as scribed in the Constitution? 


Jim said...

My greatest fear came to fruition last night as I watched the felon, I am going to vote for destroy himself. He talked rhetoric, she spoke to Americans. Repeat, repeat, repeat, that's all he does. I guess no one , kids, spouse, other family members, advisors; I guess no one can getget through to him that he needs to shut the hell up

Jim said...

My greatest fear came to fruition last night as I watched the felon I am going to vote for, destroy himself; at least in my mind. She spoke to down-home Americans, while he talked rhetoric, over and over and over again. I believe she intimidated him and got him all wound up to the point where he jumped onto his high horse. Again, as always it is "me" and "I". No "we" or "us" as though he did it all by himself. Can no one, absolutely no one, kids, spouse, friends, associates, or advisors get through to him to shut the hell up and stop that incessant repeating himself, and answer the damn questions. Of course, she didn't answer questions either, but she spoke to parents, blue-collar guys, pregnant women, small business owners and the homegrown crowd. Can Trump not lower himself down to those folks . Everything she said was BS, and he let her get away so many lies that he could have crushed. Finally, why do we always use media personnel to moderate debates? We all know the MSM is biased. How about the fact-checking going on while the debate was unfolding? It was about what Trump said, nothing she said. I could not get to sleep last night. I knew I should not have watched the debate because I knew he was not going to do well. He let her turn the fact she switched to black versus Indian into him being racist, with no comeback. IMHO, he did himself no favors last evening, Maybe his VP candidate will do better, but I have my doubts about that as well.

A Colonel of Truth said...

Concur, Jim. Frankly, Trump would have been better off to not debate. He proved himself a capable President. Her tenure as Vice President can only be characterized as deliberate attack upon country and absolute incompetence. All he has to do, campaigning, is hammer that comparison. The guy, at times, reminds me of the Peanuts character Pig Pen - ever encircled in a smelly cloud. He just cannot help himself.