15 September 2024



By Andy Weddington

Sunday, 15 September 2024

Blind belief in authority is the greatest enemy of truth.  - Albert Einstein

"Everything he touches turns to shit," said Donald Trump publicly about President Joe Biden.

Cognitively incompetent, Joe Biden should not have been allowed to take the President's oath.

Not of sound mind being personal alibi but not an excuse for every on-duty oath taker sworn to Constitution - especially Vice President Harris; who certainly knew her boss was not fit for duty.

So, by default, Donald Trump's remark applies to Vice President Harris.

Since assuming office more than three and a half years ago the Biden/Harris run can objectively be summarized as a demolition of democracy (though our country a Republic - to that in a moment).

From onset, everything touched did turn to shit. 


There's no other logical conclusion. 

Our Constitutionally founded Republic is of people, places, and things. 

People - embryo to elder - the core and heartbeat of freedom are being demolished - through junk food, pharm, medicine, and science.

Places - towns and farms and cities - where people work and play are being demolished - through junkies masquerading as leaders. Coast to coast look at the destruction of our once magnificent cities - overrun by illegals (facilitated by Biden/Harris); crime; filth; and greed. Small towns, too. 

Things - private and public monuments, parks, and culturally important structures and sites - are being demolished because of ignorance of history, disrespect, hate, and belief in bewildering nonsense. Defacing, removing, and destroying signs and symbols does not erase history. 

Donald Trump is right.

Yet the shit talkers and makers, and their mouthpieces echoing and inventing more absurd shit, blame Donald Trump for their designed shit show.

Fact is, Donald Trump has his shit together. Otherwise, why would they be desperately trying to jail or kill him? 

To close ...

Domestic enemies are serious shit. 

So serious they're addressed in the public servant oath to Constitution. 

There's good reason obedience is not a leadership trait. 

Time for on-duty oath takers sworn to Constitution to engage. 

Courage required; cowardice facilitates bullshit. 

But ultimately the citizenry is charged with duty of seating, maintaining, and preserving effective representation; through peace or piece. 

I'm neither forecaster nor betting man, but it's clear enough, especially after attempt to assassinate Donald Trump, the shit is about to hit the fan.

For those who can see, congratulations on having your shit together! 

To the blind, "O say, why can't you see?" 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Andy: How do you really feel on this topic? Keep meaning forward; you are leading from the front; keep up the great work! S/F