19 September 2024



By Andy Weddington

Thursday, 19 September 2024

Only in the shattering can the rebuilding occur.  - Barbara Marciniak

My service began about a year before Ronald Reagan swore oath to be President.

President Reagan rebuilt the Department of Defense. 

Reflecting on the decade of Ronald Reagan and 16 years of service thereafter, I realize what a remarkable golden era it was to be a Marine; for everyone in uniform. 

In less than 20 years much has changed - degrading force readiness and responsiveness and a lethal Marine Corps and military.

At stake?

National security. 

Time to rebuild. 

But rebuilding must be done contrary to the traditional bottom up approach. 

Whatever problems presently exist at the foundation - junior enlisted and officers - pale to the disturbing ones with senior officers - General Officers Flag Officers (GOFOs). 

Officers, as do enlisted, swear oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic.

Therefore, GOFOs, as all officers, though the President is (their) Commander-in-Chief, are duty-bound to oath confronting any threat to the Constitution; including foregoing obedience (word not in the officer oath of office). 

There's not gray area.

Depending on source, there's 400 to 500 GOFOs (one to four stars) in the Department of Defense. 

Some, one to four stars, I know. 

None of the cohort irreplaceable.

In truth, all replaceable and certainly by as equally or more qualified officers. 

Nothing personal. It's about Constitution and country.  

Objectively, in the best interests of national security and defense - provided again elected, what should President Trump do?

Rebuild not remodel.  

As officers serve at the pleasure of the President ... afternoon of 20 January 2025, President Trump thanks all serving active and reserve GOFOs for their service to country ordering immediate retirement.  

Change Step - screened successors appointed.

Forward, March!

The force will follow. 

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