07 September 2024



By Andy Weddington

Saturday, 07 September 2024

All great change in America begins at the dinner table. - Ronald Reagan

Walking before sunup this morning I listened to a recent 96 minutes conversation - before packed house - between Tucker Carlson, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Mr. Ramaswamy, as Republican, ran a strong campaign for President before withdrawing and announcing support for Donald Trump. 

Mr. Kennedy, as Independent, ran a strong campaign for President before recently withdrawing and announcing support for Donald Trump. 

The three men, not necessarily in lockstep on all issues, agree if freedom is to endure Donald Trump must be reelected President and they are committed to the cause.   

During closing comments Mr. Kennedy offered an alarming data point. 

He said in 2013 a poll was taken of people under age 35 with 85% saying they were proud to be American. 

Six months ago the same question was posed to another same age group and the proud to be American cohort was 17%.

In 11 years a 68% delta. 

That's a problem - national security problem.

Walking on and reflecting ...

Sixty years ago in the blue collar town of Burlington, NC, I attended the only integrated school in town, in the county - the tiny parochial school grades K-8 of well under 150 students. Six or seven nuns and a few lay teachers led, taught, and disciplined.

My first exposure to a uniform: Collared white shirt, solid navy blue tie; navy dress slacks, dark leather shoes; navy blue blazer with school crest (sometimes). 

Each morning before school, Mass.

Followed by - whether clear, cloudy, cold, or hot - school semicircle formation outdoors around the flagpole for colors (hoisted by an 8th grader detail) complemented by an aloud Pledge of Allegiance or patriotic song. 

Patriotism begins - from the beginning. 

Cub, Webelos, and Boy Scouting through junior high school reinforced patriotism.

Patriotism grows - from the beginnings. 

With adolescence and maturing a deepening respect for flag and country. 

Patriotism matures - from the beginnings and growth. 

A few years later, first, sworn oath to support and defend the Constitution followed by commission as Marine Officer to carry out that oath. 

Patriotism. Duty. 

Five subsequent promotions and affirming oath with each. 

Patriotism. Duty. Core of person and persona.

President Ronald Reagan, elected 44 years ago, loved America - patriot. 

He rejuvenated optimism and the American spirit. 

Patriotism was not only cool but an example across the globe. 

He achieved much during 8 years but most significantly, through force of will - of good, he challenged a peer adversary to tear down an unpatriotic wall. 

That happened.

The world changed.  

There was hope. 

And yet in less than 50 years, America and the world is slipping into a disturbingly dark place. 

America has a wall - not between the citizenry but between government and the citizenry. 

And globalists are reinforcing a wall between them and the citizenry. 

These two undeniably real walls stand as our greatest threats to freedom on Earth. 

They must be demolished. 

David did not slay Goliath with a pen. 

President Trump, and his team of seasoned combatants, will have two missions and not much time. 

1. Tear down the U. S. Government wall. Like destroying cancer, aggressively slash bureaucracy until clear margins;

2. Locate, close with, and destroy globalists and their dark walls.

Succeed and freedom endures for another generation.

Alas, I cannot understand 17%.

Not even 85%.

Why not 100%?

It's a simple problem rooted in that government wall. 

So first things first. 

Correctable, as President Reagan believed, beginning at the dinner table. 

As for the time being ...

If not patriot, if not proud, get the hell out! 

1 comment:

Jim said...

On this day I truly believe there is only one man who is forceful enough to do what needs to be done and that man is Trump. However, I must add that he could learn something from someone who was also forceful but tainted with true leadership and the wisdom of knowing when to shut up - Reagan.