06 September 2024



By Andy Weddington

Friday, 06 September 2024

A superior man is modest in his speech, but exceeds in his actions.  - Confucius 

One of our adjacent communities - seamless by roads and sidewalks - is heavily populated with multigenerational families from India.

No question the rapidly growing technology industry brought them here.  

Interspersed is American families.

During last evening's post-dinner walk I decided to loop through that community.

About halfway, on the side of the street I was walking, ahead was a driveway full of men.

Upon reaching the home it was clear what was happening. 

The owner had turned the driveway into a mini amphitheater. 

A giant screen - still blank - set before the home's frontload double garage. 

Port door open. 

Some two dozen men formed a double row deep crude semi-circle of folding lawn chairs. 

I'd guess ages ranged from mid-20s to mid-30s. 

They looked fit.

Clad in shorts and casual shirts. 


And beverages. 

Passing the driveway I noticed an American flag flying near the front door and planted in the manicured yard a big TRUMP/VANCE sign. 

I had noticed a TRUMP/VANCE sign a few homes prior. And another a few homes later. 

Then it dawned on me the gathering was likely to watch Thursday night football (though did not confirm). 

Continuing to walk two thoughts came to mind ...

1. I wonder what the neighbors from India think? And then quickly dismissed that as irrelevant;

2. I remembered walking by a Marine light armored recon infantry unit aboard the Combat Center in 29 Palms, CA, in late 2002.

The Marines were outdoors in a fenced compound tending to vehicles, equipment, and weapons - readying for war. 

What still stands out in memory is group of a couple dozen Marines, like the men described above, formed in a semi-circle cleaning rifles, machine guns, and sharpening knives. Their platoon sergeant talking to them while they worked. 

Their beverage water; canteens.  

I was close enough to see faces. 

They were all business; soon to deploy to confront evil.

This morning's walk was continuation of thinking about the contrast of the two groups of American men more than two decades apart. 

Circumstances completely different. 

But macro commonality. 

There was an intense energy charging the air walking past those Marines that flashed, 'We're dangerous - 'Don't Tread on Us.'

There was a similar energy last night; despite no obvious firearms and knives. 

There's a disturbing multifaceted sickness, difficult to quantify, that has somehow wormed into the fabric of humanity.

The threat real. Serious.  

But from sundry recent experiences including what I saw last evening (mere sample of that happening from tiny town to big state), I hold great faith American men are still dangerous.

And without a word, they're going to prove it. 

Count on it! 


Jim said...

I pray you are correct Andy. During our most recent RV getaway to Niagara Falls, ON, we traveled the non-interstates as we usually do to see America, not billboards. Traveling through GA, SC, NC, MD, PA, NY, and WV, I was not surprised to see many yard signs, larger billboard-style signs, and flags emblazoned with Trump/Vance. Not uncommon among those northern states where the good folk, the hard-working, blue color types are at the end of the whip. The handle, of course, is in the big cities e.g., Baltimore, Philadelphia, NYC, Charleston. We lived in IL for many years due to kids and grandkids being there until I simply could not stand it anymore. Everywhere we lived in that state, we were surrounded by God-fearing folks who could not have been farther right. But Chicago controlled everything about the state; we had no say at all. Can I assume that what you witnessed and hypothesized about is the same as it is all over? Sadly "when" this nation has sunk to its lowest level and its enemies storm our shores, it will be the God-fearing folks to whom we shall call on to do something. Those scumbag handle holders won't be around to lend a hand. Sorry for my rant, but that's what we 83-year-olds do today. LOL. Bless you, Andy.

A Colonel of Truth said...

I’m seeing more and more of what I described. Hearing it, too. We always travel the back roads - where the people with common sense, skills, and intolerance for bullshit live and work. There is no Harris/Walz signs on display. Not seen one. Whatever support they may have is quiet; there’s 10% dumb everywhere. Keep the faith, Jim. Good will prevail. 🇺🇸

Anonymous said...

Excellent Colonel. And Colonel B as well. I believe those men you saw would muster well into a force that will defend their families and their Nation if called. Just as the stuff that Regiments hand down forever. For certain I’ll do my part as will thousands of other veterans.
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