17 July 2024



By Andy Weddington

Wednesday, 17 July 2024

Pride and Discipline - Hallmarks of a U. S. Marine.  - Colonel D. J. Myers, USMC

This morning arrived text asking if I was J. D. Vance's DI (drill instructor) or if I happened to be at the recruit depot when he was going through training?

The long answer I did not send ... 

I know a lot about J. D. Vance.

I know he did something a tiny fraction of Americans do - he spoke with a U. S. Marine Corps recruiter. 

I know his recruiter, that Marine, too.

I know he promised Vance, a prospect, nothing. 

I know he told J. D. he'd be tested, mentally and physically, to surpass limits he thought not possible.

And I know J. D. made the courageous decision to raise his right hand and swear oath to support and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic.

I know Recruit Vance took a seat on a bus, amongst a load of other somewhat frightened and anxious recruits, and arrived aboard the Recruit Depot late at night.

And exiting that bus was a bit more chaotic than boarding. 

At the order of an immaculately uniformed, shouting DI, he found a set of yellow footprints - the starting point, no exceptions, for everyone aspiring to become a Marine.

I know Recruit Vance went through those first hectic days and nights wondering what in the hell he'd gotten himself into. 

The unknown, regardless how seemingly well prepared, is scary. 

And I know for the next 13 weeks, or so, faces and names of several Marines, his platoon's DIs, seared into his soul. 

He'll remember, instantly, for life, those men and their names. 

I know Recruit Vance was repeatedly challenged and conquered things he thought impossible. 

And while all this sacrifice and hardship was going on I know J. D. lost weight, built muscle, took on some color to skin, gained volumes of personal pride, self-discipline, and self-confidence, and realized just how formidable a weapon teamwork.

I know a couple weeks before graduation, after completing the Crucible, when his Senior Drill Instructor handed him his emblem - eagle, globe, anchor - and called him "Marine" a tear or two streaked down cheek and dripped from chin. 

I know J. D. Vance transitioned from civilian to Marine and more so boy to man. And he became a different kind of man - a Marine - a better citizen. 

Following recruit training, he attended specialty training and deployed to Iraq. 

He did his duty. 

Then Corporal Vance, completing his enlistment honorably, decided to leave Active Duty; the Marine Corps, as pledges, returned a better J. D. Vance to his community. 

I know if J. D. and I were to visit time would run out long before conversation about life before the Corps and the bond we share. 

We're brothers.

Back to that text query and the short answer ...

No, I was not J. D. Vance's DI. 

And continued ...

Only an enlisted Marine can be a DI. 

It was my privilege and high honor to command those fine Marines - men who did a job - Making Marines - I'm not so sure I could have done as exceptionally as they did. 

My platitudes for Marine DIs endless. 

My time in the regiment (2d Recruit Training Battalion) at Parris Island was April 1983 - April 1986. 

J. D. Vance was born 02 August 1984. He served on Active Duty 2003 - 2007. And I retired before he left Active Duty. 

In closing ...

So, yes, I know J. D. Vance despite having never met. 

And he knows me and all my Marine pals.

There's a not definable spirit only Marines know. 

If America proves her sanity come November, couple months thereafter J. D. Vance will affirm, as Vice President, the oath he swore more than two decades ago.

It'll be mere formality. 

And I'd recommend to J. D. that he wear a small gold emblem on his coat lapel; a detail, something Marines pay attention to. 

As will all Marines, I'll be there in spirit. 

Semper Fidelis. 


Anonymous said...

Marine. Once. Always.
Barrow sends…

Jim said...

Yes, Marine Barrow, son of the finest CMC I have ever experienced, I I believe JD will be one hell of a VP and take on any challenge his boss decides to give. Me? I hope it's the damn border. I'm sure JD would have fun with that one. Maybe he'll even deploy the 2d MARDIV to help. I would!

Ken Plato said...

Outstanding, Andy.

Bob Castaldi said...

President Trump has always been a strong backer of our Military, especially the Marine Corps. It is those core values instilled in each of us in Boot Camp and OCS that create the lifelong bond that makes us brothers and sisters that you refer to, Colonel. President Trump was precluded from serving for a medical condition that, to this day, will prevent a person from serving. But he was seeking a Vice-President with military experience. It's no surprise he chose a Marine! And since JD Vance once was an Anti-Trumper but took the time to learn what President Trump was all about, that was even better.