11 January 2023



By Andy Weddington

Wednesday, 11 January 2023

We are the first species capable of self-annihilation. - Elon Musk 


The "new Twitter," that is, under the leadership of Elon Musk.

'The Twitter Files' have stripped the word theorists from the term 'conspiracy theorists.'

As Mr. Musk opined recently in so many words, every one of them (the conspiracies) is true and worse than thought. 

He continues to release files substantiating pre-Musk Twitter was basically a government run megaphone blocking, censoring, deleting, and suppressing free speech while injecting cleverly tailored false information into the public forum. And it was certainly worse than that short summary. 

For lack of information, obstructed as not to negatively impact agenda, the public made poor decisions.

The parties?

The White House, DoD, DHS, FBI, CIA, et al.

Funny thing about files; the crumbs that lead back to the bakers.

I suppose there's all sorts of ways to frame what's been going on with the smothering of fact and truth. 

The bottom line: an attack.

But don't take my word for it.

If not already, establish a Twitter account, follow @elonmusk, and read the files. Take your time, lengthy. 

And start tracking the ongoing daily dialog by the real authorities and experts who were prevented from airing their perspective. 

How do you know they're the real McCoys?

They were blocked, had accounts suspended, and were (still are) attacked. 

Until Elon Musk took over Twitter my account was suspended for at least seven years. Probably longer, I lost count.


For tweeting civil comment challenging agenda. Penance? To delete tweet and play nice per their definition of freedom of speech. 

Blocked, I was not able to deliver digital reply so they got daily digital virtual salute. 

There's not time to get into all the topics (actual conspiracies) nor do I care to spoil your civic duty (for being a responsible citizen) but monopolizing much of the discussion is the jab. 

Inexplicable sudden deaths in young fit people (et al.); all over the world.  

Numbers alarming!

Here before not permitted on Twitter. 

But out there now while real doctors and scientists are telling like it is.

I know too many now with irregular heart beats, etc. They enjoy no other commonality. 

Figure it out.  

To the jabbed who bought the deliberately deceitful pitches of safety and effectiveness and quietly went about life respecting freedom of choice - a bit of empathy.

To the unhinged, emotional nutcases walking about in mask and calling for restrictions, punishment, and exile of the pragmatic resisters - drop dead. [And odds favor you will; forecasts some of those once squelched scholars.]

Remember, the Go in IGWT (In God We Trust) is followed by d not v.

As to Elon's opening thought ... 

And that is going to happen; sooner than later if the populace does not ... wise up!

Today marks the ninth anniversary of dad's death. Glad he was spared the shit show of recent years. Veteran and the ultimate pragmatist, know he'd be gravely disappointed if I did not offer some of the perspective he surely would. 

Keeping faith requires exercising courage. 

Find it. 


Jim said...

Sop, you have rejoined Twitter Andy? If so, I must also.

A Colonel of Truth said...

Yes, Jim. Twitter is now the best source for unfiltered, not censored info. The spectrum of perspectives available. Read. Digest. Run through pragmatist and logic tables and reach conclusion.