29 September 2021



By Andy Weddington

Wednesday, 29 September 2021

Observation, not old age, brings wisdom. - Publilus Syrus

For being busy and catching bits of news via Internet, radio, and television, observations and questions coming to mind ...

- Depending on light ... white can appear black and black appear white. And that pretty much pertains to everything, depending on light. [To see reality, "light."]

- Describe - appearance and methods - a terrorist. 

- Fair - General Court Martial for Generals Milley, McKenzie, et al., and get to the truth. 

- At some point it is not only logical but imperative to accept that when everything is "botched" it must be on purpose. 

- When compelled to ask the question, "Whose side are these guys on?," then the answer is, "Not ours."

- Feeling important? Try telling someone else's dog, or any cat, what to do.

- Glassblower in Sweden: "When blowing glass, blow it good. If not able to blow good glass make it big. If not able to make big glass color it blue - blue sells." [True story. He said it to me and my wife.]

- THE WORD "banana" IS NOT THE THING (called) "banana." [That applies to every WORD and EVERY THING. Words are not things and things are not words. If not understanding that truth, you've not spent enough time thinking about language, restrictiveness, and the arbitrariness thereof.]

- Were the Secretary of Defense and all General/Flag Officers to review and practice the 11 General Orders, 11 Leadership Principles, and 14 Leadership Traits, sense would return to the Department of Defense.

- Semper Fidelis - if only. How any Marine general officer walks about (these days) without a paper bag over their head escapes me. 

- Courage was taking Iwo Jima. Cowardice is citing the courage required to take Iwo Jima as alibi for incompetence and disaster.

- $ (Pick your topic. The answer to who, what, where, when, why, how. Sense - common sense.)

- Know your meat ... chicken: alive/dead   coward: alive dead

- Alzheimer's Disease - Legitimate alibi for memory lapse. Disclose transcript(s) of the 2,500 recommendation. [I know more than just a little something about the disease - moments ago finishing a five minutes call about the same topic cover a dozen times.]

- AMERICA - When 100+ million of the character of Stuart Scheller (Lieutenant Colonel, USMC) stand and step forward.

- The honorable eternal residents of America's national cemeteries demand accountability.

- U. S. Constitution - Americans disagreeing under the umbrella of proper but hostility to Constitution is domestic enemy.

- So, General McKenzie, how is it, exactly, Lieutenant Colonel Scheller, a fellow Marine, sees the withdrawal from Afghanistan so differently than you? 

- "Vaccinate" every American with Patriotism. [Teach love of country, respect for the flag, Pledge of Allegiance, National Anthem, Who the Founding Fathers, Constitution, role of military and veterans, etc.]

- Does the President's physician have Constitutional duty to disclose the President's fitness - physical and mental - for duty?

- Americans best pay attention - When doctors and nurses who were eyebrow deep fighting Covid refuse the vaccines. [And that goes for scientists expert on viruses, too, sounding alarms.]

- Congressional public hearings would be more interesting and effective if followed by public punishments (of those determined through due process deserving).

In closing ...

To the anonymous reader who asked I come out of retirement to save our country - your confidence flattering and appreciated but I'm not retired (rather busy with the most important duties of my life. And will be for some time). 

Thank you, kindly, Joanne for your thoughtful and generous donation, supporting this forum, honoring a beloved fallen Marine. Semper Fidelis. 


Jim said...

Hmm! Mush to think about in this post Andy, if only Americans would do so.

Tom H. said...

This is outrageous. As best I know, LtCol Scheller has not been charged with any offense, much less a capital crime, yet he has been jailed. Where the hell is due process? Unless he is considered a flight risk (which has not been stated), then locking him up is purely vengful on its face, and an embarrassment to the Corps. The Commandant should be ashamed. Really bad...

Unknown said...

Shades of SSgt Chamblin? https://news.usni.org/2017/11/09/conviction-marine-sniper-taliban-urination-case-overturned-due-unlawful-influence-former-cmc-amos