10 October 2020



By Andy Weddington

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Life is too short to spend your precious time trying to convince the person who wants to live in gloom and doom otherwise. Zig Ziglar

A few days ago a social media acquaintance never met in person asked me to comment on some sort of unpleasant interaction with friends not fond of President Trump.

Particulars do not come to mind but the general assessment of the situation was acrid people not (true) friends. 

Since comment solicited I simply offered, "Hang around better people."

Yesterday happened a like in-person conversation with an acquaintance not a friend on social media. 

What a kooky world. 

Anyway, same counsel. "Hang around better people."

Basically, the election boils down to the emotional versus the rational. 

The emotional dismiss facts for opinion; however absurd. They are, by choice, uniformed decision-makers who defy calm, reasoned argument.  

They are annoying. And crazy. Avoid. 

The rational demand facts. They control emotions. They are informed, studied, logical decision-makers who respect calm, reasoned argument.

Hang around these people. 

Nancy Pelosi exemplifies an emotional, opinionated nut obsessed with President Trump. 

President Trump, in fact, calls her Crazy Nancy.

That one of his more studied, rational conclusions.

For noise, it just seems there are a lot of the emotional.

The good news is most people are rational. 

The rational will vote for President Trump.

Some unapologetically. 

Others denying (but they will).

Then there will be the Black and Hispanic vote - for President Trump.

Media, emotional, is the voice of the emotional. 

Noisy and annoying but void substance.

Signs abound. 

Just take a calm objective look. 

President Trump will be re-elected.

And it's not going to be close. 

Hang around better people. 

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