09 May 2017


by Andy Weddington
Tuesday, 09 May 2017

Fairness is what justice really is. Potter Stewart

The headline (question) should not be "WHY WAS COMEY FIRED?"

The headline (statement) should be "COMEY SHOULD HAVE BEEN FIRED LONG AGO."

With the news this evening, a big yawn.

Back in July, FBI Director James Comey proved himself not an impartial lawman but a political hack and horrible tightrope walker. 

The FBI Director serves at the pleasure of the President. And Director Comey pleasured his President (by not leveling charges against Hillary Clinton). But the pleasuring did not work out so well - for President Obama nor Mrs. Clinton.

And for his (Mr. Comey's) failed integrity and following failed judgment President Trump should have fired him on Inauguration Day.

Today, finally, a public servant who should not be a public servant is no longer a public servant. 

What's the big deal?

Comey had it coming!

Good for President Trump - who needs neither a good reason, bad reason, or any reason at all (to dismiss). 

But the fact is he had an exceptional reason. 

Fair enough. Justice. Really. 

So, good men (and women) abound to serve as the FBI Director. 

Find one. 

And should Mr. Comey's successor fail, President Trump, fire him or her, too.

Let's get along with your promise to Make America Great Again. 

1 comment:

Jim said...

Bravo Zulu Andy. Comey should already have enjoyed nearly four months of being job-less. I can think of no other job in the public arena where INTEGRITY means more than as the director of the the nation's law enforcement agency. When that person speaks, everyone should be listening and believing. Wallow with the pigs and guess what - you get muddy. Bye Comey