07 July 2024



By Andy Weddington

Sunday, 07 July 2024

If you don't want an American flag flying at your school, why do you live in the USA?  - Ainsley Earnhardt

For all who read commentary posted 04 July and commented on the death of Robert "Bob" A. Hall, Staff Sergeant of Marines, thank you!

I "knew" Bob about 16 years, via technology. 

Regrettably, there was not opportunity to venture to Wisconsin to meet and visit with him and family. Nothing to be done about that but hate it. 

I knew much about Bob, anyway. And have his books. His wonderful books! 

So a terrific man and Marine lives on, in many. 

One thing Bob said often I neglected to mention in commentary: "Marines go to the front of the line." 

I do my best to apply that axiom whenever opportunity presents. He's right! Marines ought always enjoy head-of-the-line privileges.  

Last evening  ...

a cousin, Army veteran, and his family hosted their annual "Independence Day Celebration."  

"Shindig," I believe his term. 

Our fourth year attending the mammoth food feast complemented with monster water slide, giant pool, corn hole, free-range chickens, two and four-wheeled off-roaders, and a fireworks display near on par with that ignited by a big town - all sate and amuse somewhere between 150-200 Americans, reflecting most walks of life, whooping it up on the 40 acres plot. 

Heavy equipment about.

I remember kids who had the Tonka versions. 

He has the big boy variants. 

And knows how to operate and repair. 

Mike Rowe and Brian would get along famously.  

And I rather like he bought a new dump truck (something I wanted to buy my wife) for work, for play. 

And there was more - much more - some too interesting to publish. 

Let's put it his way ... had I still been on active duty better judgment would have led to the decision to graciously thank the hosts and depart shortly after arrival; that just for the potential which did not materialize - as far as I know. 

What came to mind?  

Lance corporals. And "Hold my beer!"

Marines know what I mean.  

Anyway, an uncle through marriage, retired Army lieutenant colonel helo pilot and all-round good joe who's befriended a regiment of Marines, summed it up best ...

"This is one of those gatherings where you just sit back and take it all in."

I snorted water! 

And can't top his astute observation. 

So we observed. 

And occasionally laughed. 

Great time!

Which I'm still digesting; literally and figuratively. 

Traveling home this afternoon through Davidson, Randolph, and Rowan counties we meandered back roads - where the people - proud Americans - live. 

Over the course of some 60 miles and though not counting we surely saw more than 100 American flags.


Flying from poles in yards, homes, fences, barns, cars and trucks. 

Tiny business districts lined Main Street with flags. 

During one stretch of several miles an American flag, of some sort, decorated every lawn or home - both sides of the highway. 

And there was bunting.

And there was TRUMP flags. 

There was nothing BIDEN ... other than one billboard with f--k preceding surname. 

I forget the patriotic bumper sticker covering the uc. 

Conclusion, based on nothing more than windshield assessment were those residents to vote today: TRUMP - in a tsunami. 

It's refreshing rolling through rural America - proud folks fly our flag.

Not pride flags. Not college or pro sports flags. 

The American flag. 

By the way, ever traveling through Spencer, NC, a 'must stop' for a bite is Hendrick's BBQ. 

Their ample parking lot packed but there was room - first sign there just might be something good happening inside.

Seat yourself. 

We found open booth. 

In less than a minute waitress, of many, attentive. 

BBQ, chopped, with sides (get the red slaw) delivered in five minutes or so. 

Clean, friendly, efficient, and at a more than reasonable price. 

Flags inside. 

And sundry advertising of things uniquely American. 

And, since invented in 1917 in adjacent Salisbury and still family owned, Cheerwine advertising - that beautiful cherry red and white logo. 

And Cheerwine on menu to wash down the BBQ plate, if so inclined.

These proud flag-waving Americans will speak their mind in four months. 

Their four-letters word: VOTE

Stand by. 

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