02 July 2024



By Andy Weddington

Tuesday, 02 July 2024

Children are the world's most valuable resource and its best hope for the future.  - John F. Kennedy

Though obvious to the observant and objective for years, President Biden proved Thursday night past before global audience he is not cognitively functioning as an healthy adult much less at the level required of a President.

Young people, children, with practically unrestricted access to social media ask simple questions. 

Child: What's wrong with President Biden? 

Me: President Biden's brain is no longer working as it once did. 

Child: Will President Biden's brain heal?

Me: No. In fact, his brain will get progressively worse.

Child: If President Biden's brain is sick how can he be President?

Me: Great question. He should not be President.

Child: Did his brain just quit working all the sudden or gradually?

Me: Well, that's a more complicated question. Usually, gradually. But it depends on who you ask. 

Child: Didn't his family see that his brain wasn't working?

Me: Most certainly they did.

Child: How about his friends and people who work closely with him?

Me: Most certainly they did, too.

Child: Why didn't anyone help him by taking him to a doctor?

Me: Another great question. A lot of people are wondering the same thing.

Child: How can our country function without a healthy President?

Me: It can't. 

Child: Then who is going to be President?

Me: No one knows. That's what a lot of people are fighting about. 

Child: You know what - my daddy would be a great President.

Me: Now what makes you say that?

Child: Because he's big and strong and protects our family. He's smart, too. His brain is okay. He works really hard. He knows how to do everything. And he loves mom and me and my brothers and sisters, and our dogs. And he loves to help people in trouble. One time we stopped on the highway so he could help an old couple change a flat tire. They offered him money but he said no thanks. He says prayers with me after reading a bedtime story and kisses me goodnight. 

Me: I think your dad would make a terrific President. What's his name?

Child: I call him daddy. Mom calls him lots of mushy things but Henry when she's not happy.


1 comment:

Dave said...

Perfect and yes. Has he established 27 offshore shell companies to protect democracy?