04 June 2024



By Andy Weddington

Tuesday, 04 June 2024

Hell is empty and all the devils are here.  - William Shakespeare 

" ... that when you make it difficult for people in their lives, they lose their ideological bullshit, and they get vaccinated." 

Directly from the mouth of Anthony Fauci, who one congresswoman referred to as Mister (Mr.), that came out during yesterday's House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic hearing. 

His snarky, contemptuous for the disobedient comment captured during phone call early in the pandemic disclosed yesterday pretty much sums up the detestable character of the man who unleashed hate upon Americans and the global citizenry. 

I watched enough of the hearing. 

Fauci stated he lives under constant death threats. And that he requires 24/7 protection. As if he should be surprised. 

Fauci is not worth my time. 

What happens to him of no concern.

Come January 20, 2025 President Trump's Attorney General should make Fauci to prosecute priority. 

Use recent Trump trial in New York City as boilerplate for assigning judge and seating jury. 

The 12 decision-makers to come from the cohort of those most severely impacted from Fauci's deliberate attack on humanity. 

That is, family members who lost family to draconian protocols and lethal injections; and lives destroyed for and for not forsaking "their ideological bullshit."

Nothing will convince the harmed, and there's tens of millions of them, Fauci's folly was not other than a carefully concocted and coordinated scheme. 

He, who smugly basked center stage - world theater, with ample opportunities to retract, correct, apologize, etc., substantiated self evil.

As Albert Einstein opined, "The world is not threatened by evil people, but by those who allow evil to take place." 

Fauci merits unnatural, legally, of course, exit stage left.

No mercy.

There's dozens x dozens x dozens of devils to return to Hell. 

Tee them up.

Their prey to decide.  

1 comment:

Jim said...

We should hang the S.O.B.