05 March 2024



By Andy Weddington

Tuesday, 05 March 2024

Anger is one letter short of danger.  - Eleanor Roosevelt

A problem is best addressed by looking at the core - the heart.

Core is the essential simple things.

Is the simple in working order? 

Like color, for example. 

The core of (unaided human perceived) color is light (of course) and yellow, red, blue - called the primaries. 

Without primaries, orange, green and purple, et al., not possible. 

America does not have a color problem.

Be we certainly have a core problem. 

That is, a huge cohort of the citizenry is either ignorant of, misunderstands, or hates our history. That goes to heart. 

Thus, either no allegiance to or absolute disdain for their homeland. 

Absent allegiance, anger.

And then there's the angry (holders of allegiance) at the angry (do not hold allegiance).

Malfunctioning heart. 

Problems, all of them, are simple. 

Humans inject complication, for all sorts of ego-centered reasons (that boil down to control, greed and power).   

America's anger is rooted in absence of common binder.

No cohesion.  

Born American is not a binder. 

I do not care to get into the scores of backup slides - common sense - supporting one pragmatic solution. 

To know America's history and the Constitution - red, white, and blue - is core. 

Require all citizens, when celebrating 18 years of age, to demonstrate competency of our history and Constitution then formally swear oath to support and defend said Constitution (such allegiance must not be required of just those serving in the military or other public servant roles). 

'Red, White and Blue' 
painted with yellow, red and blue
(acrylic/paper 12 x 16 in.)
artist: author

Applicable to whatever pursuit in life.

A citizen's core responsibility.  

Accountability, significant and swift, paramount. 

Abstainers? Free to flee. 

A nation's anger makes for danger - dying heart. 

Without heart no life. 

One is not born with love of country. 

So schooling, in every sense of the word, not surgery, essential.

Knowledge strengthens pulse - patriotism. 

Pretty simple. 

A healthy heart is not heartless. 

The fibrillating beat goes on. 

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