04 March 2023



By Andy Weddington

Saturday, 04 March 2023

If my body dies, let my body die, but do not let my country die. - Genghis Khan

Couple Saturdays ago we went to see the Charlotte Checkers play a late afternoon game. 

They lost. 

By a goal. 

But, with no emotional investment, great fun. 


And once in while - between games other than hockey on the ice, Zamboni ops, and hockeycam spotlighting fans on the Jumbotron - guys with pads, helmets, and sticks atop skates ripped and banged about.


Of course. But only four rows off the ice, no blood detected.  

Afterwards, brauts and kraut, and microbrews. 

Sunday morning for the ride home we opted not just for back roads but the back roads of the back roads; though familiar with North Carolina these roads and tiny towns and communities not before visited. 

Mostly, typical homes found anywhere rural USA.

Some well under 1,000 square feet.

One easily over 100,000 square feet. And that was just the house.  It could have been but was not a small motel.

Owner? No idea. Possibly a NASCAR driver. 

And these homes, with small and large in between, easily within 1/4 mile or less of one another. 

Lots of American flags.

Though not one display of anything Biden. 

No 'Build Back Better.' 

No Biden/Harris. 

There was one or two 'Let's Go Brandon' yard signs. 

In contrast, huge signs - TRUMP, TRUMP WON, and TRUMP 2024 scattered along the route. 

More American flags. 

So for that rural area of the Tarheel state, pretty clear the politics. 

What to make of it all?

I've not given it much thought. 

Politics bores.

Besides, I'm busy - mostly tending to family needing help; a legal duty trumped by moral obligation. And would not have it any other way.  

My interest in office seekers is they be capable, competent, and American to the core. 

We don't have that, presently.

And if the citizens of the area we traveled could get their hands on ... well, never mind. Let's just say there'd be more than body checking happening. 

Politicians come and go.

National security and defense should not. But has. That does interest me. 

Last month an enemy balloon precisely navigated across our country surveilling at least 21 military bases and posts. 

How is the possible? 

A pragmatist just might wonder who's on whose side? 


To that ...

The Defense Department struggles to recruit and retain. 

Veterans know why.

It's more than a numbers game. It has to be the right numbers. And that last comment is not in reference to political correctness and diversity, equity, inclusion. The right people. Patriotism cannot be bought. 

Offers of tens of thousands even hundreds of thousands of dollars to recruit and retrain, including those hastily discharged for refusing the covid vaccine (if you can believe that), might realize some results but not necessarily the quality people desired and necessary for a capable, competent force.

The Army physical/combat fitness test again made news this week. 

What a joke. Not challenging for males and still females struggle.

That only 1% of males fail telling. 

I've lost track how many redesigns (to accommodate females). 

Why not just put that ugly beast out of misery and eliminate physical fitness testing?!

And, beginning with entry-level training, I've nothing more to say about a Marine Corps no longer recognized.

Recruit training was one of a few, and perhaps the last, arenas a boy could turn to have manhood challenged - stressed and tested to extremes - and prove himself.


Now a boy steps on the iconic yellow footprints and there's good chance his mother or sister is there to greet and yell at him. Just what he needs. [Female DIs dressed and covered as male is still female. There is no sensible argument.]

And, by the way, same goes for female recruits. They don't need the company of males - recruits nor DIs - during that critical time.

Boys need strong men building and guiding them. As do girls need strong women. 

It's that simple. 

There's not time to expound on common sense.  




There's plenty more. 

But will close with reflection on a visit with a neighbor (not a veteran but interested in military history, etc.) a week or so ago. 

We talked about generals. 

He's big on Genghis Khan. 

Understandably. I remember a movie in the 60s about him.  

I mentioned Hannibal. Studied his strategies and tactics. 

Leaders of Khan's and Hannibal's character and stature do not exist today (have not for a good while). 


For sure any man of such promise is crushed at the junior grades. [Just finished reading, 'The US Navy is More Than Just Broken, Careerism is Tearing It Apart' on counterpunch.org and recommend.] 


Exactly that required in a warfighting outfit is under attack - to be eradicated as labeled 'toxic.' 

Absence could not be more conspicuous than with that enemy balloon not tended to until after completing its mission traversing our country.Whatever the post downing "hot wash" is hogwash.  

America must have leaders - civilian and military - who will not let our country die. 

Find the Khans. And Hannibals. 

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