30 December 2021



By Andy Weddington

30 December 2021

Speak softly and carry a big stick. - Theodore Roosevelt

Sometimes I carry a gun. Concealed. Because, by law and permit, I can. 

Sometimes I opt to not carry a gun. 

A few days ago during an evening walk in our quaint community I was not carrying a gun.

Why not?

Something told me before leaving our home that my wife and I would be okay. 

Threat level low. 

It was late afternoon. Sun down and gray. Chilly but not cold. 

We saw deer - five does that did not sense us a threat but kept an eye on us while they grazed. White tails flicked. 

Quietly we observed. 

At the sound of other people the deer slipped deeper into the woods.

After crossing a bridge spanning a small creek and coming to a T we opted to go to port. 

We talked quietly.

Two figures approached. 

As we closed, a young girl carrying a stick as big as she was and presumed accompanied by her grandfather.

Of the girl I asked, "Did Santa Claus bring you that big stick?"

"No. I carry it to fight bad guys."

"How old are you?"

"I'm four," she said softly.

Her grandfather smiled and said something along the lines she's not interested in rocks just sticks.

And his granddaughter stated again she was ready to fight bad guys.

"I was trained to fight bad guys," I said, but she was not so impressed because I did not have a stick.

After a few minutes small talk we parted ways.

I have been thinking about that girl. 

Wondering how she came to be concerned about bad guys and need for a big stick to fight them.

Whether I'll ever see her again or not, no idea. 

But our community is just a bit safer than most that we have a big stick carrying four years old on patrol. 

And I'll forego a big stick and discreetly carry my gun more often - just in case the soft-spoken stick-carrying girl is not on duty or may need backup; goes to my infantryman training. 



1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sir, I can remember when the only thing I had to fight off while playing on the streets at night were mosquitoes.
Today, we avoid our customary evening walks around the neighborhood which has doubled in size over the last 20 years.
Sad, that our retirement years have changed from enjoying sunsets to watching TV inside our home and having Arlo notify us of unannounced visitors.
Stay safe, Semper Fi! Happy New Year!