06 September 2021



By Andy Weddington

Monday, 06 September 2021

God loved the birds and invented trees. Man loved the birds and invented cages.  - Jacques Deval

Enjoying still and quiet of BENT (Before Evening Nautical Twilight) from a glider on our front porch, a great big dark horizontal descending shape swooped into view from over the top of our home.

The sudden startle turned majestic. 

Still compromised but not quiet. 


Presumably, after dinner.

Life ended. Life nourished.

As to nourishing life ...

Walking along Salem Street after dinner, again BENT, a rare sighting - plastic flamingos nesting in a potted plant.

The unexpected. 


Working on paintings of flamingos the past few months a photo a must. 

Nary a clue as to why by who and when but "Thank you!" 

I'll be looking for them again.

Then just a day or so ago, again BENT while astroll along cement walk in our quaint hood, a beautiful duck happened upon. 

Light green. 

Simple. No mistaking it a duck, for webbed feet.

A child's chalk drawing - a couple of ovals for head and body and connecting lines for neck and feet, beak, eyes, and one line as feather.

The unexpected. Fantastic! 

A perfect duck. I photographed it, too. 

Yesterday morning I watched a 'Remember 9/11' program. 

Birds, tin, flown into buildings. 

To escape horror some people chose to momentarily fly, as birds; though choice, dropping as shot. 

The Falling Man photo aired. Others, too. 

Anger, the deep seething sort, came rushing back.

Our mighty and majestic bald eagle came to mind with thought ...

07 December 1941 - Less than five years later enemy destroyed. Another enemy, too, destroyed. Evil dead. 


11 September 2001 - Twenty years later an enemy handsomely equipped and armed, hugged, with thoughts of aid. Evil alive. 


Not two hours later Dr. Fauci appeared on 'Face the Nation.'

Questioned on vaccines, he used the word "hope" repeatedly.

Seriously, Doctor, "hope"?

Science is not hope.

So the citizenry is to trust and blindly follow the science, "hoped for," by Dr. Fauci?

Though dove the sign of hope he looked and sounded dodo. 

Early this morning I read comment by a retired Marine general replying to a far junior Marine questioning him about the foul up in Afghanistan. 

His party line comment ended, "Vaccinations are good."

Excuse me General, what does vaccinations have to do with Afghanistan? 

And, exactly, what is your scientific and medical qualifications in viruses and vaccinations to make such a (stupid) declarative statement?

No wonder things are so fouled up. 

Pigeons are dumb fowl. 


Last week in our small town - masks suggested - walking from parking lot to grocery store I was 15 paces or so trailing a young woman neither wearing nor holding a mask. 

A not-so-masculine masked male, mid-to-late 20s, was approaching from the store.  

Pointing at his mask he motioned to the woman.

She gave him the bird.

He kept social distance plus. 

He then made eye contact with me and thought better.

Good call, bird brain. 

Alas, if you're going to be a chicken at least be a free-range one; even if dodo.  

God did not intend for birds nor people to be caged. 

Love God-fearing Americans for figuring it out; tree and free rhyme.

Crowing done. 


Unknown said...

That was a much needed laugh. Actually more than five laughs. “Experts” are not. “Laymen” claim to be. Americans have had enough of both.

Jim said...

LOL, this one Andy, but excuse me, "Pigeons are dumb fowl." Come one be serious, used to raise them, take them on the school bus in the morning -- 12miles -- let them go and they'd be home before me.

Once told to me by a three-star at the time, but retired as a four. "Understand that when any general is talking he is never ever telling you how he really feels about anything. He is spewing the party line at the time."

Loved my pigeons. LOL