08 January 2021



By Andy Weddington

Friday, 08 January 2021

The duty of a patriot is to protect his country from its government. - Edward Abbey

After breach of the Capitol and return to some semblance of order Wednesday evening, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell requested of Vice President Pence a few moments for he and Minority Leader Chuck Schumer to speak.

Senator McConnell said they would not be intimidated by thugs and a mob and they would get on with the business of certifying the vote confirming Joe Biden president.

Not thirty minutes later Senator Kelly Loeffler (lost reelection in Georgia day earlier) spoke. Based on what happened she decided to rescind her initial intent to object to vote certification.

That's intimidation.

A handful of other Senators, who likewise planned to object, rescinded. 

That's intimidation.

They planned to object based on their oath, their duty, to support and defend the Constitution; because there was compelling grounds to do so. 

But they, for whatever reason, behaved contrary to what Senator McConnell said would not happen.

They were intimidated.

Some call it failed moral courage.   

Regardless, for less rigorous debate, America lost. 

At this point, continuing to cite and blame President Trump moot though convenient for those who oppose him.

The personalities do not matter.

What no one is talking about but should be is the thousands of citizens - from all walks of life and professions, men and women, all races and ages - who stepped forward and swore (affidavits) under penalty of perjury and prison they witnessed breaches of voting protocols per law.

Are all liars?

What about the technical experts who poured over gear and data who swore testimony as to corruption of vote?

Are all liars?

And just yesterday came more news (if anything aired is to be believed anymore) Italy had play in corrupting the vote for Biden. 

I don't care the candidates; never swore oath to one and never will.

Allegiance is to country. 

I swore oath seven times to support and defend the Constitution of the United States - against all enemies foreign and domestic. To that oath I remain true.

I listened as many of my countrymen recounted (their) eyewitness stories working polls on election day; from being personally mistreated to seeing sloppy if not devious ballot handling.

Considering the stakes for them - from personal safety to being subjected to charges of perjury - there was no reason not to believe them. 

Same as to the technical experts. 

To the bottom line ...

A broken voting system is root of Wednesday's chaos.

Relatively small things leading to disproportionately big consequences is chaos (theory) and our reality. 

The lesson learned simple: Voting best get fixed. Now!  If the citizenry does not hold faith and confidence in government of, by and for the people then what was ugly a couple days ago will seem petty when all the trustworthy people come at government.

Alas, the Senate confirmed President Biden. Though delayed, likely still quicker than had Senators not been intimidated to abandon their duty. Now each to face their conscience. And look in the mirror. For life. Will each conclude patriot? 



Jim said...

Tis a sad day in what was the greatest country in the world. To say I am perplexed would be laughable as my vocabulary doesn't provide me with a word to explain how I feel. My "Trump0 Nation" flag will continue to fly beneath my country's flag. Tis a shame I cannot fly three flags on my 25' pole in my front yard, but I accept the inability to fly my USMC flag for the next four years. To say this was a coup planned for several years is again laughable.

Unknown said...

To those intimidated. What changed? Why the flip? The events of Wednesday do not erase the facts as detailed in this piece. Your hatred of Trump is greater then your love for our Constitution. Dark days ahead. As MLK said, “Riots are the language of the unheard”.

Cy Kammeier said...

Well stated. With some 75 million voters having to swallow this bitter pill, it may be prelude to loss of Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. ... but, many will cling to their oath and maybe more. God help America!