18 January 2021



By Andy Weddington

Monday, 18 January 2021

There is no abstract art. You must always start with something. Afterward you can remove all traces of reality.  - Pablo Picasso

Saturday morning commentary opened with mention of a photograph of the Joint Chiefs (8 GOFOs - General Officer Flag Officer - each a four-star) brought to my attention the day prior.

My comments not criticism rather first reaction to the obvious by any observant veteran.  

First, as to basic military bearing - the Chairman was seated on a table.  

Second, the standing arrangement (surely by protocol) of the other seven members behind the Chairman just looked awkward.

It was a photograph. One photograph. One of probably hundreds, if not thousands, of the Joint Chiefs.

But for whatever reason that one was brought to my attention.

Fortuitous, I think. 

Sunday at a wee hour a simplified design of that photograph - that awkward arrangement - startled me from deep sleep. 

From bed to library I sat with iPad and sketched that dream in gray scale.

Then reflecting on the photograph (purposely not looking at it) I made another iPad sketch moving from monotone to color.  

Mid-morning, after coffee, when enough natural light flooded the studio I placed a big stretched canvas on the easel and painted from iPad sketches and memory.

Simple the way.  


'Making 82 Stars Abstract'
30 x 48 in.
acrylic on canvas

The necessary; nothing more. 


Eight "figures" abut and heads joined representing joint. 

Purple tabletop too for joint. 

Colors of figures representative. 




That long zig-zag shape representing the heads is what struck me in the photograph. It's what stirred me from sleep.

Some will conclude the painting an abstract. 

What is abstract?

Abstract can be something simplified. Or maybe something closeup not recognized unless at an appropriate distance for context. 

But abstract starts from something. 

Some may be wondering if there was a joint behind the idea and painting. 

No! Never. Not even beer, wine, nor single malt. 

Never do I know from where an idea for a painting will come. 

I like the painting. 

Oh, and there's more than one way to orient an abstract. 

Had the Chairman not been sitting on the table most likely I'd not ever have seen the photograph. 

So, a good thing. 

I intentionally did not include the original photograph. If interested, see if you can find it. 

Then analyze the painting to understand starting point and how most traces of reality removed.

Mortal is not capable of creating from nothing. 

Picasso was right in that department, to his defense. 

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