04 March 2016


by Andy Weddington
Friday, 04 March 2016

When somebody challenges you, fight back. Be brutal, be tough. Donald Trump

Last night the four still standing candidates for the GOP nomination for president - Cruz; Kasich; Rubio; Trump - took stage in Detroit to debate. 


"Debate" is the wrong label. "Kill Trump" is reality.

Dr. Carson's class and wit missed. Terribly.

Governor Kasich is the experienced and qualified expert on policy matters etc. But he lacks that something some call "buzz" and is not a salesman.

Senator Rubio is competent delivering words. 

Senator Cruz is competent delivering words, too. And he's a better salesman than the governor.

Mr. Trump's platform...

"You'll be very, very, very (happy; safe; proud; [insert your area of concern])..."

"That's a lie..."

"Believe me..."

And all while gesturing with right hand and pointing index finger for emphasis.

The politicians, PACs, media, et al., want the election to be about issues and experience.

Trump is their four-letter word.

The citizenry has a different idea of what this election is about.

And to express their idea, a real four-letter word paired with "you," the right hand is gesturing but not with index finger. The left hand, too. 

The Trump phenomenon rests on the average supporter's platform of, "I don't care!" (as to whatever the detractor(s) of Mr. Trump)

"I don't care!" is mankind's exasperated last stance of disgust and desperation.

Mr. Trump's walking (and talking) point. 

Fight's on and it's brutal.  

If death, so be it. 

Simple as that. 

Alas, an EMP (attack) could change everything. 

1 comment:

Steve Morgan said...

"And to express their idea, a real four-letter word paired with "you," the right hand is gesturing but not with index finger. The left hand, too." Truth and add mine will you.