07 December 2023



By Andy Weddington

Thursday, 07 December 2023

I would describe myself as a 'total conservative - a conscientious one.' - Mike Huckabee

At this juncture, studying a debate is much like analyzing a landscape - plein air - before putting stroke to canvas.

That is, resolve the big pieces - first. 

I've not settled on anyone for President. 

But I do have one requirement: By word and deed they cannot be presenting signs of dementia.

So, an objective big picture take of last night ...

Chris Christie: He shut down a bridge, during rush hour, between New York and New Jersey to punish the citizenry. And during covid closed the shore then beached himself to bask. Whales of bad decisions stemming from anger and privilege. Signs enough unfit for office. Polls terrible, anyway. Why was he on stage? 

Nikki Haley: Already beholden to big business. When challenged (by Ramaswamy) she could not name three provinces in Ukraine - where she supports sending billion$ more and possibly U. S. forces. Granted, I could not come up with three either but I'm not running for President. She was not prepared. Had she rattled off three without batting an eye, impressive. She did not. What else fundamental does she not know? She was easier to look at than Christie.

Vivek Ramaswamy: Smartest guy in the room. Absolutely on stage. He knows the issues and presents them simply and understandably. He is articulate and smooth. But there rests a problem. Still hanging in the air is the stench and disaster of another smooth talker - Obama (and he's still hanging around). Fair comparison or not, people are leery. And his relative youth discloses skin a bit too thin. To stay calm and quiet while being ridiculed requires strength. When replying stay on point without personalizing and besmirching. He'd be magnetic. But he's polarizing now. 

Ron De Santis: The only veteran and it shows. He, too, knows the issues and presents them simply and understandably with strong common sense courses of action. As governor has proved fearless and gets things done. Competency not in question. His shortcoming, at least on television, is missing the Reagan and Trump charisma. Even Clinton had charisma going for him. Charisma can be linked to basic personality - extrovert/introvert. He seems the introvert. Does charisma have anything to do with performing as President? Superficially, certainly. Substantively, hardly. 

Donald Trump: Absent. He won, again, anyway. What will be shocking is if his polling lead does not expand. Trump has charisma in spades. And hearts, diamonds, and clubs. Chrisite commented Trump would be convicted on federal charges. How does he know? That hardly sounds like due process and innocent until proved guilty. In fact it sounds a lot like closing a bridge and the beach. Donald Trump is no Saint nor he is the criminal maniacally portrayed by the opposition and haters. And he's not in the Epstein flight logs otherwise those would have been published eight years ago. The enemy battlecry now is, if re-elected, he'll retaliate. Well, do not confuse enforcing law to restore order - the foundation of civility, of a Republic - as retaliation. Trump is the unapologetic patriot of the bunch. 

This morning arrived text asking who I thought would be Trump's pick for VP.

Thinking about that question and more for weeks, my take ...

Christie and Haley go home.

De Santis - Secretary State.

Ramaswamy - Attorney General.

Lieutenant General Michael Flynn (U. S. Army, Retired and wrongly screwed over as National Security Advisor for Trump) - Secretary of Defense.

For Vice President, a curve ball ...

Mike Huckabee.

Who? And what the Huck?

Some remember him. 

For those who do not ...

He's 68. Successful governor (Arkansas - where his daughter now governs). Previous runs for President fizzled but so goes politics - timing. Morally sound. Man of God. Beholds to Constitution. Common Sense. Personable. Likable. Proven leader. He could step into the Oval Office tomorrow. But as capable as Mike Huckabee, he cannot get where he ought be unless first Trump's ticket mate. 

Those my views. If you don't like them, I'm not going to change them. Failing to engage, to speak up and speak against wrong is cowardice. 

Do not be a coward; it's so not American (as proved 82 years ago this date).  


Rob Barrow said...

A quite good summary with analysis. Oh, and on Haley didn’t she work at the UN? 🤦‍♂️ Christie - he should be in jail for “Bridgegate”. Ramaswamy - exactly as described. DeSantis - he lost me in 2019 when he failed to engage a room with 46 Medal of Honor recipients present. My daughter, excitedly and with respect, met them all. Huckabee - concur all. No question which direction his compass points.
Barrow sends…

Unknown said...

Christie: Unfit for office;in reality UNFIT.

Jack R said...

Spot on analysis and commentary... I am not yet ready to trust Ramaswamy and believe Pompeo has a place in the Trump Administration and beyond. He has my nod for VP

Jack R said...

Must consider one of the brightest strategic thinkers on the planet, Dr Condi Rice