16 August 2021



By Andy Weddington

Monday, 16 August 2021

Coward: One who, in perilous emergency, thinks with his legs. -Ambrose Bierce

Abraham Lincoln, when angry, wrote. 

He spilled venom. When exhausted he slid his toxic words into a desk drawer and cooled down. Later he polished poison into leadership prose.


I am angry.

You should be angry.

I have cooled down.

I have friends who have not cooled down. And some of them will not cool down. 

I have read a lot of analysis and opinion summarizing the debacle.

And I have thought how to wrap up in as few words as possible as not to be misunderstood by anyone; stupid to smart.

Analogy sometimes my way.

And here it is ...

Twenty years ago we deployed forces to Afghanistan to take shots (think vaccine) at an enemy (virus).

Those forces masked (geared up) and there was cycle of success and failure.

Social distancing (our forces stepped back to let the Afghan Army take responsibility) became part of the exit strategy.

And now we're washing our hands (for not even 20 seconds) of the whole damn mess.


In essence, the stupid Fauci protocol, a miserable failure, played out in Afghanistan.

The virus won; defeating shots, boosters, and boosters to boost boosters. 

Experts and analysts will write volumes. 

Blah, blah, blah. 

For what purpose?

So a national embarrassment, a global tragedy, such as this will never happen again? 

Good grief. It will. Place your bets now, and not on the United States to win. 

The United States of America needs no more than a single page detailing National Security Strategy and waging (offensive) war: We win.

Losers (defend) explain.

America, home of the brave (who are) sacrificed by incompetent, narcissistic, selfish cowards who think with their legs, and wallets. [Pardon the Lincoln-esque thought.]

Where's the President?



Anonymous said...

I am seething with anger. A total and complete failure. There were other options. Trump to blame for setting hard, fast dates, allowing military leadership very limited manuever space within which to work. Biden to blame for trotting right along in the fading shadow of Trump. No effort to truly engage military or AFG leadership and find a better way. Shame on the SECDEF who was more interested in recognizing Rainbow month and those of that ilk. Options there were - a tactical retreat, similar to Chosin Reservoir - fight your way back on your timeline and under your conditions, make the enemy pay and pay dearly for every single square foot of ground. GEN Scottie Miller (of DELTA Force fame)knew all this, knew the outcomes and was shoved into the corner and told to STFU.

Now the world can expect a new doctrine - the Biden Doctrine:

1. See no Evil
2. Hear no Evil
3. Do no Evil
4. Stop No Evil

Madeleine Murr said...

Sleepy Joe? He’s on vacation, sleeping.