By Andy Weddington
Saturday, 16 December 2017
Societies depend on agreed rules. John Maynard Smith
This morning no stomach for a lengthy, thoughtful opinion about current events. For weeks, a daily day's end vomit no help.
So ...
Over morning coffee I read Gregg Jarrett's take on current events surrounding our DOJ, FBI, and our Presidency.
You must read it, too. Take a few minutes ...
Think about, and for a good long sobering while, America today had Mr. Trump not been elected.
Then consider whom is missing from Mr. Jarrett's summary?
That "whom" is a key figure.
His name?
Think about it.
President Trump, you must, in the name of justice, tend to business, for ...
1. Every American - child, youth, adolescent, teenager, adult (gender, race, religious pref, etc. moot) - who crawls out of the rack every morning and whether at play, school, or work carries on by the rules, laws;
2. Every American clad in a military uniform - serving at home or abroad under fire in some hell hole combat outpost - who carries on by the rules, laws, and are held to a standard of personal and professional conduct like no others;
3. Every American in public service - especially law enforcement - who carries on by the rules, laws, with the expectation no one is above the rule(s) nor rule of law;
and, most importantly ...
4. The survival of our democratic republic.
President Trump, show us, your citizenry, that you, too, crawl out of the rack every morning and carry on by the rules, laws.
Sir, do your sworn duty.
Enforce the damn rules, laws - upon everyone.
Nothing less will restore this Marine's faith, trust, and confidence in our government; including our Presidency.
For America's chief law enforcement officer, simple, Mr. President.
Are you, Sir, up to your job?
Merry Christmas!
AG Sessions: where in the World are you?? The silence from your office is deafening
And sir, "It's as simple as that." Nothing breaks down good order and discipline in any organization or nation, than for those who play by the rules, to see no action taken against those who do not play by the rules. Accountability!
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