14 November 2013


by Andy Weddington
Thursday, 14 November 2013

"Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man's character, give him power." Abraham Lincoln

Within the office of the American President is implied, and expected, fundamental traits - character; integrity; courage; competence; et al.

Barack Obama temporarily sits as the American President.

President Barack Obama has not met, repeatedly, the implied, and expected, fundamental traits of office.

Most seriously, breach(s) of integrity - high crimes surely, alone, disqualify him for service.

Make no mistake, the public oath of office swearing allegiance to country reigns over self and political party loyalty.

President Obama, an admirer of President Lincoln, has failed our revered 16th President's adversity test - misuse and abuse of power has compromised the office and levied unnecessary hardship on the American citizenry.

Congress has duty but do they have the collective character; integrity; courage; competence; et al. to remove him from office?

Adversity has proven America elected the wrong people. They have failed - themselves and us.  

America does have citizens of character (and integrity; courage; competence; et al.) who can rightly handle adversity. We must find and elect them.

Or else.

Post Script

My loyalty, and oath, is to country. Period!


Unknown said...

Eliminate the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag; replace it with a Pledge of Allegiance to the Constitution.

Unknown said...

An immoral populace elected and then reelected this abomination. An immoral congress and senate weakly stood by while knowing and observing voter fraud, bribery and the looting of the government. There is hell to pay for unleashing this evil upon all of us.

Unknown said...

An immoral populace elected and then reelected this abomination. An immoral congress and senate weakly stood by while knowing and observing voter fraud, bribery and the looting of the government. There is hell to pay for unleashing this evil upon all of us.