18 December 2023



By Andy Weddington

Monday, 18 December 2023

Darkness is cheap, and Scrooge liked it.  - Charles Dickens

Without fail my best observations and thoughts come when behind the wheel. 

There's something about the multi-sensory stimulation - and alertness required - to safely operate a fast-moving motor vehicle.

This morning a small pickup traveling in the opposite direction along a narrow two-lane stretch caught my eye - across the top of the windshield in giant Declaration of Independence like font: We The People

I was heading to a local bakery to buy cookies. Big oversize cookies. Giant cookies. Calorie count exceeding all sensibility. But, hey, it's Christmas. 

They had 35 on hand - chocolate, cranberry oatmeal, and chocolate chip. 

Bought all and delivered to a local family run automotive shop. They take care of our cars. Patriots. 

Not fifteen minutes later I read today is International Bake Cookies Day. 

That is karma. 

Alignment with the Christmas spirit.

For the slow, that's not intended as tired joke. 


I have a battery of these but will spare you. 

Speaking of Days ...

Saturday past was Wreaths Across America Day. 

Americans, of all persuasions, turned out to adorn veteran gravesites with a traditional Christmas wreath. 

A neighborhood gold star family, friends, posted photos from Arlington. And another neighbor gold star family in our prayers.  

The fragrant pine greenery with bright red bow complementing a white headstone is, well, breathtaking - for sheer beauty and more so for what it represents. 

A thank you from 'We The People ... '

Yesterday, we attended the matinee performance of a popular local interpretation of the Dickens classic 'A Christmas Carol.'

This marks year 50. 

The play is true to the original theme's spirit though takes liberties modernizing to include throwing hooks and jabs at politics and politicians - local and national. 

Scrooge like, fitting. 

The audience, always a sell-out, not only expects but truth be known regulars wager on what and who will not be spared. 

Trump took a hit in the first Act. 

Biden took a hit in the second. 

But it was a sucker punch outside of politics during the first Act - angering the dickens out of me - that triggered a spontaneous couple of "Boos" from me - loud enough for those seated near to hear, and earning a soft poke and by-name scold from my wife. [Audience laughter drowned my disapproval so draw your own conclusions as to crowd.]

The offensive line came from Scrooge while seated at a letter writing desk ...

"Dear Elon, 

Just stop!" 

"Boo. Booooo." [Which I have never previously done, ever, in public.]

Stop what?

Building electric vehicles? No. 

Embarrassing NASA? No.

Being a philanthropist? No. 

Dreaming of what's next? No.

Safeguarding free speech on X? Of course. What else could the dis be for?

With near certainty, the creator of this entertaining production, who plays Scrooge, was not out laying wreaths Saturday. 

And, come to think of it, in the near dozen or so performances attended through the last 34 years do I recall a favorable nod to veterans; which could easily be done in this liberal interpretation.

Poke the politicians. 

Punch them - hard.

I don't care. 

Fair enough.

Anything - however subtle and especially in these parlous times though granted "free speech" - disparaging our Constitution is intolerable.

The Constitution is not a political document. 

It is a charter for a way of life. The greatest way of life known to mankind on Earth. 


So monumental the document, oath (to it) is required of all public servants - civilian and military - as measure to preserve.  

A way of life I have rather enjoyed and devoted a significant part of my adult life in uniform safeguarding; as have many in my immediate and extended family.

"Dear Ebenezer, 

Elon fights to safeguard (y)our Constitution - rights and all - even when playing the fool. Just stop!"

I boo'ed on behalf of the wreath earning dead. And patriots. And every American. And everyone dreaming of becoming an American. And out of sense of duty - (my) oath to Constitution. No apology. 

No 'Bah humbug' from me.

Thanks, Charles. 

Merry Christmas! 

Post Script: Otherwise, a terrific play. Incredible, actually! If ever in the Raleigh-Durham area during year's end make a point for tickets - get them early.  

Note: Paintings ... small watercolors done plein air, by the author, on location NorthWest New Jersey Veterans Cemetery. 

1 comment:

Rob Barrow said...

I wonder if they realize, they wouldn’t be able to take their show on the road to Pyongyang. They owe their ability to recite their lines unedited because fellow countrymen swore an oath. I love your Navy/Marine liberty stories. 🤣