22 November 2016


by Andy Weddington
Tuesday, 22 November 2016

I envy paranoids; they actually feel people are paying attention to them. Susan Sontag

President-elect Trump defeated an extended multi-front head-on attack and won the presidency.

The gig for a corrupt gal that was supposed to be is not.  

And so that brutal frontal attack (indirect, too) on President-elect Trump - from political opponents, media, "entertainment," voters, et al. - continues. 

He'll win, again.

Vice President-elect Pence, as solid a citizen as they come, was attacked last week. 

He went to the theater for an evening of entertainment and got more than he paid for, wanted, and deserved. 

For whatever reason, the cast of Hamilton (producers and director(s), too) decided it was a good idea, at the end of the performance, to deliver their political statement of unhappiness and unfounded fears (i.e., paranoia) to our Vice President-elect in waiting. 

And folks have been opining (in the public arena) since. 

Vice President-elect Pence civilly dismissed it concluding there was a better time and place to so speak.

Yes there was.  

The banter predictable. Some say freedom of speech. Some say the actors artists and their stage. Blah, blah, blah. Some say disrespectful and inappropriate for the venue and purpose.

It's not complicated. 

Vice President-elect Pence paid for and expected an evening of entertainment. As did everyone else.

All in the audience, regardless of political sentiments, did not go to the theater to hear current events political discourse - to be schooled and offended.

It was an ambush; upon all.  

Despite, Vice President-elect Pence handled it as a gentleman. Class. 

Hamilton I have not seen. Nor care to. 

Should the public take exception to the childish tactic of the production and, too, decide not to see the show then again the public speaks - voting with their Hamiltons; and Jacksons and Grants and Franklins.

Now, for offering a comment on social media against such disruptive behavior, and worse (including rioting), strangers enlightened me yesterday that as I am white, a veteran, and voted for Mr. Trump I'm of the "privileged."

And all these years (except for recent cast vote) I never knew. No idea. Clueless. Wow! Never mind nary a thing handed to me in life. Never mind the complement of hard work, good decision-making, sacrifice, more hard work, etc., has positioned me in a "safe space." Never mind all that. I am "privileged." 

Such a complement.

I'm going to a local small theater in a few days to see a production of A Christmas Story (the classic heart-warming story of a privileged white boy (respects authority) who gets a BB gun for Christmas). 

Less than a Hamilton is admission, for a veteran (how privileged is that?!). 

I am going to be entertained - not talk nor hear unsolicited nor paid for commentary about the election of Mr. Trump. 

Should such happen, I vow to follow Vice President-elect Pence's example - politely smile and get out of the ambush. 

Though a punch in the mouth would be more satisfying - to a Marine.

Happy Thanksgiving! Especially to families Trump and Pence. 

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