05 August 2015


by Andy Weddington
Wednesday, 05 August 2015

"The pursuit of perfection often impedes improvement." George Will

Truth, with mandate of civility, is the core of this forum. 

Civility, however, does not mean discourse, when necessary, can not and will not at times be blunt and pointed. 

For today, blunt and pointed but civil and truthful comment.

The third sentence of George Will's Wikipedia entry reads...

"...The Wall Street Journal called him "perhaps the most powerful journalist in America," in a league with Walter Lippman (1889-1974)."

The Wall Street Journal can write whatever they want. So can Wikipedia. 

Yesterday, seated as an all-star panelist on a Fox News Channel program, George Will described Barack Obama's presidential tenure as "Constitutional vandalism."

Excuse me!

Vandalism, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is a noun : willful or malicious destruction or defacement of public or private property.

That, albeit a crime, is not what President Obama has done to our Constitution.

But there is, likewise defined by Merriam-Webster, a noun : the offense of attempting to overthrow the government of one's country or of assisting its enemies in war.

That noun?


Treason is a (high) crime. 

And it more accurately describes what has been done to our Constitution. 

George Will, an educated and professional and seasoned journalist, used one word too many and the wrong word. 

Don't be a wordy wussy, George. Your pursuit of word perfection missed truth. 

You must improve.

Simplify. For in simplicity not only is there truth but powerful journalism. 

Man up.

Just tell the truth.

Live up to the "perhaps" in your Wall Street Journal billing. 

And ask yourself, "What would Walter Lippman think?"

1 comment:

Steve Morgan said...
