27 September 2012


by Andy Weddington
Friday, 28 September 2012

"Example is leadership." Albert Schweitzer

A query posed to me a couple of days ago...

Question: Why do polls indicate our Commander-in-Chief, President Obama, is losing, and considerably, the military vote?

Civil Answer: Because military folks, uniformed and families too, gravitate towards example, towards leadership.

Marine Answer: Because Marines know the difference between chicken salad and chicken shit. 

As to leadership, especially from the President of the United States, example is everything. Example is the only thing.

So go the votes.

Post Script

Six or seven years ago a colonel friend was invited by a TBS (The Basic School) company of new second lieutenants to be their mess night guest of honor/keynote speaker. His theme was 'Leadership and Why I Love Marines.' One of his first bullets was, "I love Marines because Marines know the difference between chicken salad and chicken shit."

So do soldiers, sailors, airmen, and coast guardsmen.

Author's Endnote

To paraphrase Blaise Pascal, 'Today's commentary is long because I did not have time to make it short.'

25 September 2012


by Andy Weddington
Tuesday, 25 September 2012

"As I grow older I pay less attention to what men say. I just watch what they do." Andrew Carnegie

It's perplexing there are so many convenient means, computers from desktop to handheld, for easily accessing information and yet so many Americans are clueless about what's happening in America and the world. That is, what of importance is happening in America and around the world.  
A day or so ago radio shock jock Howard Stern asked Obama supporters if they thought Obama would find and kill Osama bin Laden; if Obama was a Mormon and Romney a Muslim; if Obama did the right thing by picking Paul Ryan as his running mate and if he did so because Ryan was qualified or black. 

The respondents, all black which caused a little ruffle, answered as if all was in order with the questions. They did not have a clue.

The favorite quote citing an Obama accomplishment, "He got the medical thing going."

To be fair, no ethnic group has a monopoly on stupidity.

A few years back during one of Leno's Jay-walking interviews - where he greets folks on the street and asks questions, he stopped a blond who looked to be in her late 20s, directed her attention to a U. S. flag flapping in the breeze atop a building and asked her how many stars on that flag. She looked, thought a moment, and said, "It's moving to fast to count them." Assume a like answer had she been asked about the stripes.
God help us. 
Late last night Twitter was afire with angry football fans - some well-known in the public eye - venting about the replacement referees call of the game between the Green Bay Packers and Seattle Seahawks. Though I quit watching the NFL long ago and could care less, I read tweets for a few minutes. Such passion, and language, over something that really does not matter. The degree of anger astonishing. Over football? Over replacement referees? Really? 
How terribly sad many an American can name the starting lineup of their favorite NFL team (maybe the entire roster) but are stumped when asked to name the three branches of government; identify three Cabinet members; name the American ambassador killed in Libya two weeks ago; name one soldier, sailor, airman, or Marine killed in Afghanistan during the past five days; name their congressman and Senator; or locate Iraq, Afghanistan, Israel, New Mexico, or their home town on a map.
God help us.
This morning I arose from slumber at my usual early hour, that most would consider insane, and the first email I saw was from a Marine friend...
"I am watching the CBS morning show and they are going after Obama in a way I have never seen MSM do. I don't know the name of the journalist, but he indicated that it was election year and that Obama could not be expected to attend any UN meetings, but instead could found on daytime tv making his rounds. He also went on to say that it is Obama's worldview or none at all. There were several anchors that were really critical of Obama's handling of foreign policy. Maybe the tide will begin to turn."

My reply to that email in a moment. 

The NFL has had replacement referees for less than a month. By vulgar and hateful discourse on the computers, desktop to handheld, you'd think the world was on the verge of ending. I've heard there's something called 'Fantasy Football' - I have no idea what that's all about but can only imagine the impact of the replacement referees; believe me, I'll not waste the time.   
America has suffered a replacement president for four years. Some think, especially Israel - our friend, their world is on the verge of ending. No fantasy here. Their enemy, Iran, has vowed to wipe them off the map, and are close to having the nuclear means of doing so. Mr. Obama says he cares. His behavior (e.g., refusing to meet with Israel's Prime Minister) indicates otherwise. Closer to home, a fanatical enemy operating under the cover of a 'religion of peace' is intent on destroying America. They have declared that intent and are ever trying to attack America - home and abroad. Nor is this fantasy. Mr. Obama says he cares. His behavior (e.g., shunning daily intelligence briefs) indicates otherwise.
Where's Mr. Obama, replacement president, been? Everywhere (e.g., mingling with Hollywood, dining with pop stars, and joking with entertainment radio and TV), but in the game.     
Where's the anger, my fellow Americans?

As for that email reply, it didn't take so much as a sip of coffee, it was still brewing, nor moment's thought...

"Mr. Obama's behavior is easily translated: He's giving America the finger and saying, 'What are you going to do about it?'"

Mr. Obama's been signing, offensively, with both hands, for four years. And his mouth playing defense.

'The finger - aka: the birdie' is the most offensive gesture in our culture. Flash it and instant anger rages - some people are ready to kill, and do.

A couple of presidential fingers are flashing.

Flags are down all over the field.   

Yeah, America, "What are you going to do about it?" 

Post Script

Tuesday, 06 November 2012!

24 September 2012


by Andy Weddington
Monday, 24 September 2012

"People sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." George Orwell

With due recognition to Count Alfred Korzybski, father of the discipline called General Semantics which includes discussion of man as a time-binder, today's comment is a blend of mostly truth and candor with a dash or two of humor and a spit of satire. 

Fifteen years ago I attended an abbreviated but intense course focused on national security strategy, foreign policy, and decision-making at the Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island.

What do I remember about that course?

I remember it was winter - it was dark most of the time and it was damn cold.

I remember the admiral in charge of the college had made up dozens of 8 1/2  x 11 portrait format images of himself pointing a finger with the caption "Put a Lid on it!" - and had tacked them to bulkheads in break rooms, classrooms, and throughout passageways. That was his approach to controlling coffee spills. I did not meet the admiral but rumor had it there was hell to pay if caught with a coffee cup in hand less a lid. I thought the mini-posters ridiculous then. And still do. But, there's no denying the admiral made a lasting impression. His name escapes me - his face, and pointing finger, does not.

I remember there was a Navy Captain in our group who was convinced he was going to be an admiral and he unashamedly let everyone know it, regularly. His proclamations took balls. He did not make it to admiral.

I remember there was another Navy Captain in our group, an aviator whose call sign was "Balls" who happened to know one of my brothers, who never so much as whispered the word "admiral" and he retired a vice admiral (three stars).

Funny how that admiral thing works.

I remember there was a Marine major in our group, my table mate, whose father was an Apollo astronaut and command module pilot. He wore his Dad's gold NASA mission wristwatch. Yes, the watch was impressive. So was the major.

I remember we had a superb course instructor and discussion facilitator. He was a real pro. Like the admiral, I remember his face but not his name. His coffee cup always had a lid.

I remember we read hundreds and hundreds of pages of material and days were filled with crafting strategy, problem-solving, and lengthy discussions.

And I remember departing Rhode Island with an all-encompassing take-away: I'd learned a great deal but it seemed to me we, as a nation, had, for all our education, sophistication, and civility, completely over-thought and over-complicated our national security strategy and foreign policy.

If I recall correctly, at the time our national security strategy was to be able to fight two major theater conflicts simultaneously. And handle 'brush fires' elsewhere.

I'd like to say I know what our national security strategy is today. I do not. Nor does it appear that our administration knows.

In light of never-ending troubles abroad and battling an ideology determined to annihilate the west (especially America), how best to deal with the complexities - whether in the Middle East, North Africa, Horn of Africa, Asia, or any place else?

Simplicity - as created through time-binding.

Ergo the Bush-Soyer Doctrine.

To explain, simply...

In 2001, after the terrorist attacks against America murdered thousands of innocent folks on 11 September, President George W. Bush said, "You are either with us or against us."

President George W. Bush

That is, you are either friend or foe.

Twenty years earlier Francis "Psycho" Soyer said, "The name's Francis Soyer but everyone calls me Psycho. Any of you guys call me Francis, and I'll kill you. You just made the list, buddy. And I don't like nobody touching my stuff. So just keep your meat-hooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I'll kill you. Also, I don't like nobody touching me. Now, any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you."

Francis "Psycho" Soyer in "Stripes"

That is, touch me or anything mine, and I'll kill you.  
Merging the two 'philosophies' makes for the...

Bush-Soyer Doctrine: You are either friend or foe of the United States of America. If foe, touch us or any of our friends and we'll kill you. We don't apologize.

It's a simple national security strategy and foreign policy rolled into three sentences. Friends merit and enjoy whatever help America can provide - any time, any place. Foes merit nothing, but fear - all the time.

It's a simple doctrine. It's an easily understood doctrine. It's a doctrine for a complex world - easily translated into any language. It's a doctrine for the ages - knowing the friend/foe list is ever-changing. Only the faces change - the philosophy for keeping the United States of America, and our friends, safe and secure does not.

The Bush-Soyer Doctrine would put a lid on a lot of nonsense. I know a Navy admiral that would agree. And many Marines, too.

Bush-Soyer Doctrine

Simple as that. 

And it wouldn't take 8 1/2 x 11 sheets of paper to print it. Index cards - 3 x 5 - will do. In fact, it could be printed on coffee cups, and lids, too.   

The Bush-Soyer Doctrine - seriously?

Why not?! 

Post Script

In case you're wondering, I passed the course at the War College, but, and surely to the relief of many, do not have a say drafting national security strategy and foreign policy.

Oh, around this workplace, lids are not required on coffee cups. 

21 September 2012


by Andy Weddington
Friday, 21 September 2012

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

United States military deaths in Afghanistan since Mr. Obama took office number a handful shy of 1,500. Those Americans died fighting for and under the protection of our Constitution and our star-spangled banner - to which they voluntarily swore an oath of allegiance.

Last week Americans died while conducting combat operations in Afghanistan. And our Ambassador to Libya, one of his staff and a couple of Navy SEALs, on duty in Benghazi, were killed by al-Qaeda in a pre-planned attack to coincide with the 11th anniversary of 9/11. Those Americans died fighting for and under the protection of our Constitution and our star-spangled banner - to which they voluntarily swore an oath of allegiance.  

Not a week after the murders of our diplomats, the Obama camp went public with two variants desecrating our star-spangled banner - the blue field with stars replaced with the Obama logo. 

And remember the below desecration flying outside a Democratic Party headquarters in Florida back in the Spring of this year?

When Mr. Obama swore his oath of office, his allegiance, it was to the United States of America.

For the President of the United States to not immediately and publicly renounce these disgraceful images, legal or not, is blasphemous.

And, his silence is an insult of the highest order, from the highest office of our land, to those who have served in uniform and especially to those who have selflessly given their lives. 

An overreaction? Not hardly. Ask a veteran. Ask the family of a veteran. Ask a patriot. 

Our colors are under attack!

Is this not the behavior of a domestic enemy?

Who knows Mr. Obama's sentiments about the desecration of our colors. A word from him would end the nonsense. But his silence disconcerting, a sign of consent and another light-flashing, bell-ringing alarm.

Interestingly enough, earlier this week I received an email updating me on the continued efforts of an outfit fighting the repeal of homosexuals openly serving in our armed forces and stopping the push to force women into ground combat arms specialties; especially the infantry.

I don't recall exactly what it was but something in the material caused me to do some cursory research about the demographics of our military. The most recent official data I could find online was from 2010 - good enough for the comments that follow.

About 85% of our military is male - of which about 75% is white. And the majority of that 85% are between ages 17 - 26.

Generally speaking, most males drawn to the military are conservative - such is their upbringing. And most are drawn to service, especially to the Marine Corps, for a chance to prove themselves in an arena most shy away from - that last bastion of "manhood."

When hearings for the repeal of 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' (permitting homosexuals to openly serve) were underway, the majority serving in combat arms, when surveyed, were against repeal. Their real world battlefield concerns being derogatory impact on unit cohesion and combat readiness and effectiveness. Their voice(s) was given token consideration, if not ignored.

The ongoing left-wing agenda to push women into ground combat units, including infantry battalions, is even less popular among the combat arms communities. And the argument is simple. Women do not have the size, physical strength nor endurance required, and then there are the cultural values - all to the detriment of unit cohesion and combat readiness and effectiveness.  

Thinking about the continuing efforts from sundry outfits to exclude homosexuals from openly serving and restricting women from ground combat units, it dawned on me perhaps their approach is all wrong.

Just because repeal of DADT and pushing women into ground combat units is happening does not mean the perspective of those in uniform, at any rank, against such social experiments have changed their minds; compliance being under duress.

The power to influence rests in numbers. And with today's communication tools - where information can travel around the globe in seconds into the hands of hundreds of millions - numbers and actions supporting a cause can be amassed and carried out quickly. For example, look no further than the current anti-American upheaval in the Middle East, North Africa, and elsewhere.

Think about this, what would happen if that conservative cohort of male Americans between ages 17 - 26, or a significant portion thereof, decided, based on the social experiments going on in our military and the troubling behavior of the president, to not volunteer for military service?

That is, what if a note(s) went out on Twitter, or whatever message backbone, alerting to a serious, growing problem in America and all those young men considering military service decided not to do so?

How long before those bright, talented young men capable of doing whatever they wanted in life realize they would be sacrificing for ideologues - those who not only purposely avoid military service but loathe the military while diligently working to weaken the military and America?

It's quite possible the recruiting pool could dry up - instantly.

Then what?

What if those young American men stood their ground - we're not serving until some things change?

What alternatives would the government have?

Realistically, two - change or draft.

And either would be advantageous to the defense of America.

Otherwise, it's liberals, women, and the Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender communities in uniform. Some force that would make.

From an objective vantage point and thinking asymmetrically, the conservatives trying to affect change, back to time-tested and validated tradition, in our military are going about it all wrong. Appeal to those with a propensity to serve - by pointing out what they believe they are serving is not reality.

But would such a strategy, a tactic, were it to happen put us all at risk?

Indeed it would.


Not really.

Frightening to consider?

Indeed it is.

But some things, like country, are worth fighting for. And a shot, from firearm, not necessarily need be fired.

In today's nonlinear world, anything is possible - especially the impossible.

God help us.

Post Script

Keep an eye on the young men in America - what they decide telling. 


20 September 2012


by Andy Weddington
Thursday, 20 September 2012



Post Script

And, sadly, that's the truth. For whatever Barack Obama is, he is a failed president. He's made his own case. Another term he does not merit. 

18 September 2012


Tuesday, 18 September 2012
"As our enemies have found we can reason like men, so now let us show them we can fight like men also." Thomas Jefferson
For today, something I've done on only a couple of other occasions - relinquish the space to a guest.

After reading what follows, I felt obligated to help spread the message. The author agreed to my request to post. Pass along if you feel so inclined.

So, as proposed by a fellow Marine, here's what Mr. Romney should say - must say - and soon...

The Foreign Policy Speech Romney Should Give
by Robert A. Hall
Good evening, my fellow America Patriots. I use that phrase advisedly, because it is American Patriots - those who love this country and cherish our system of free political institutions, free enterprise and limited government - I wish to address. You and I know those institution have made us a prosperous and happy people and our country both a shining ideal to which the world’s poor and oppressed want to come, and the target of those who loath liberty.
From the founding of our Republic to the events of the present day, those institutions have been under assault from enemies abroad who hate our freedom and prosperity, and from misguided individuals at home who believe that they can create an all-powerful and utopian government that can better make decisions for you than you can for yourself. They believe that America’s Constitution and prosperous economic system are no more entitled to a claim of exceptionalism and our loyalty than any other system or culture.
We have seen the results of that utopian belief in unlimited government power on our prosperity. We have seen it in a job crisis that has kept the official unemployment rate above 8% for years, and the real unemployment rate, counting those under-employed, those who have had to take part-time jobs, those whose benefits have run out and those who have given up looking, that is far higher than 8%. We see it in the continuing weakness in the housing market, in the unprecedented growth of government debt, and in private sector businesses - which the president says are doing fine - increasingly unwilling to expand investment to create jobs in the face of government growth and economic uncertainty.
And we see it in the failure of this president’s foreign policy on diverse and disastrous fronts across the globe. It is of President Obama’s manifest foreign policy failures that I wish to speak to you tonight.
It is no secret that far too many in the media believe the duty of a journalist is not to present unbiased facts to American voters to let them make up their own minds, but to advocate for an agenda, shaping the debate so as to help the president’s political campaign, even at the expense of the country. We saw that when they were inadvertently caught on tape, like the president promising the Russian strongman more flexibility after the election, coordinating their “gotcha” questions to help the Obama campaign.
In support of their efforts to politicize the news and to shape the agenda, they have created the meme that it is not what is happening in the world that is the problem, but rather my speaking out about it. The same people who cheered then-Senator Obama in 2008 and Senator Kerry in 2004 when they criticized President Bush’s foreign policy while American troops were in battle now insult your intelligence by saying that this president’s foreign policy should be off limits during a campaign, or that criticism of him is based not on his clear failures but his ethnic heritage. Unfortunately, this contemptible lie propagated by the Obama campaign water-carriers in the media resonates with some voters who are less attuned to events and less inclined to seek out the facts.
The facts are these. What we are seeing today across the world is the direct result of perceived American weakness, of this president’s unwillingness to champion American values and to support America’s friends like Israel and the friends of freedom like the Iranian resistance against those who wish both us and freedom ill.
We see an American Ambassador and his staff murdered with the connivance of the very people this president sent American troops to risk their lives for and billions of your tax dollars to aid. We see American soil in American embassies assaulted by radicals in coordinated attacks by whipping up mobs over the excuse of a poorly-made, little known private video, while governments to whom we have given billions of your tax dollars in aid turn a blind eye, secure in the knowledge that this administration is so eager to buy them off, it will go on paying tribute regardless of their actions.
We see it in timid half-measures toward Iran, even as they seek nuclear weapons while promising the destruction of America and Israel. Must we lose New York City, Washington DC or Tel Aviv before we get serious about dealing with the mad mullahs?
We see it in the willingness of a tyrant like Hugh Chavez to suppress freedom in his country while threatening American interests and the security of his neighbors, secure in the knowledge that his leftist rhetoric makes him off limits to serious opposition from this administration.
We see it in an administration willing to provide thousands of guns to ruthless Mexican drug cartels, destabilizing that country and killing hundreds of Mexicans and two American agents, to further their anti-gun agenda. And then they lie and withhold information to cover it up.
We see it in an increasingly aggressive China willing to muscle both our allies like Japan, South Korea and the Philippines as well as their old allies like Vietnam, secure in the knowledge that our strong natural desire for good economic and political relations with them, and our need for their continued funding of a portion of our burgeoning debt means that we must acquiesce in their domination of their smaller neighbors.
We see it most of all in the unwillingness of this administration to name the enemy that seeks to destroy our way of life. That enemy - let us be clear - is Islamic Extremism and Islamic Supremacism. The president and leaders on both sides of the political aisle are perfectly correct in saying that we are not at war with Islam and I assure you we will never be at war with Islam under a Romney administration. Indeed, we must never forget that the most frequent victims of the daily catalog of murders and outrages by the extremists are decent Muslims who want to live in peace and freedom, seeking only prosperity for their families. But President Obama has never understood, in fact seems incapable of understanding, that it takes two sides to make peace, only one side to make war. Islamic extremism is growing, is often funded by our erstwhile friends, numbers millions of adherents and is able to manipulate the emotions of tens of millions more poor and ignorant Muslims who are understandably frustrated at the poverty created by the lack of economic and political freedom in their countries. And they are at war with us, with western civilization, and with the majority of peaceful Muslims, and have been for decades. Wishing it were not so will not change that painful fact. They give us only the options of defense, or defeat and death.
That Islamic extremism is not centrally directed as were the Nazi or Stalinist regimes does not make it either less understandable or less of a threat to our lives and liberties. That the threat can spring up undirected among our own citizens does not make the deaths of our soldiers in Little Rock or at Fort Hood any less casualties of that war than those who have sacrificed while wearing the uniform of the Republic in Iraq or Afghanistan. And when I’m president, their families will receive the appropriate recognition of their sacrifice. That is the least this country can do for their service.
This frightening growth of Islamic extremism is fed by an American posture of apologetic weakness. Over thirty years of attacks, terror and murder of Americans, westerners and their fellow Muslims should have taught us that they will always find an excuse, be it a cartoon or a clownish YouTube video to ferment violence and mob terror. We must not feed the beast. We must stand with that majority of Muslims who desire peace, freedom and prosperity. We must support those Muslims who have the courage to speak out against extremism and terror. We must lead from the front, and abandon weak euphemisms like calling war “overseas contingency operations.”
We cannot defend women’s rights and other human rights at home if we fear to speak out against the oppression of women under Shari’a Law abroad. Being for tolerance for gay people at home is meaningless if we are supinely silent about the murder of gays in Iran and other intolerant countries at the hands is Islamic extremists.
American freedom, American prosperity and the aspirations of tens of millions of people around the world, Muslim and non-Muslim, depend on American strength, American leadership and American courage. If we fear to defend liberty out of fear for our lives, we shall find we have lost both life and liberty. We must stand with the friends of freedom and against extremism and aggression and terror. We must honor and support the service and sacrifice of our gallant troops, and those of our allies, on whom our freedom depends. The future of all decent people in the world, regardless of nationality, religion or ethnic heritage, depend on our making that American policy. The president talked of change and in our foreign policy, change now is desperately needed. As your president, I will lead us to a new foreign policy that values freedom and life and prosperity, and stands against murder and extremism and terror. And I will not apologize for it.
Thank you.

Robert A. Hall is a Marine Vietnam Veteran who served five terms in the Massachusetts Senate. He is the author of 'The Coming Collapse of the American Republic: And what you can do to prevent it.'

E-mail: tartanmarine@gmail.com
Post Script
I sent Mr. Hall a note suggesting he send his remarks to the Romney camp and that I could not image Mr. Romney's speechwriter editing a single word. He replied there may be parts too strong for that crowd. I countered all the critics are saying Mr. Romney is not being clear enough and that his proposed speech was clear and strong. "Send it," I wrote. "What's the worst that can happen - they don't read it or reject it?" Momentarily, he sent a short note back saying he'd sent it. Bravo! Now, in the days ahead, let's see (and hear) what Mr. Romney has to say, and if it rings familiar to the words of Mr. Hall.
Mr. Hall oversees a popular blog site where he amasses the more important news items of the day as seen through the eyes of  professional analysts and opiners - sometimes one of my submissions make the cut. And he, too, occasionally weights in - as above. Visit his site: www.tartanmarine.blogspot.com

And, he is an author.
'The Coming Collapse of the American Republic: And what you can do to prevent it'
All royalties go to a charity to help wounded veterans. Write me for a free PDF of "Collapse.

'Advice for my Granddaughter: For When I'm Gone'
All royalties go to the Pulmonary Fibrosis Foundation.


14 September 2012


by Andy Weddington
Friday, 14 September 2012

"The price of greatness is responsibility." Winston Churchill

On Wednesday, the day after attacks on America in Egypt and Libya on the anniversary of 9/11, President Barack Obama, during an interview with CBS, criticized Mr. Romney, candidate for President, for taking the initiative to make public statements condemning the attacks.

Mr. Obama...

"You know, Governor Romney has a tendency to shoot first and aim later...As president, one of the things I've learned is you can't do that. It's important for you to make sure that the statements that you make are backed up by the facts. And that you've thought through the ramifications before you make them."

Those were remarkable words. For Mr. Obama clearly enjoys a memory of convenience. 

For example...

Mr. Obama conveniently forgot 'shooting first and aiming later' when he prematurely made a public statement wrongly accusing Cambridge, Massachusetts police of acting stupidly when arresting Harvard professor Henry Louis Gates (who appeared to be burglarizing a home and became disorderly when police confronted and tried to establish identity).  

Mr. Obama conveniently forgot 'shooting first and aiming later' when he prematurely made a public statement saying that had he a son he'd look like Trayvon Martin - the hoodlum shot and killed by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman. 

No, Mr. Obama, what Mr. Romney did was not shooting first and aiming later and he did have his facts in order.  

Mr. Romney acted like an American president.

Mr. Romney spoke like an American president.

Mr. Romney was angry yet controlled, clear, and strong with his words. What he did was absolutely necessary.

And, after speaking out, Mr. Romney stood his ground and patiently answered inane questions from a colluding press pool more concerned about his actions than the lack of engagement from Mr. Obama or the escalating violence in Egypt and Libya and elsewhere in the region.

Mr. Romney appeared the American president the majority of sensible Americans expect to see and hear from during times of crisis.

Mr. Romney knows, and so his actions demonstrated, that leadership means truly taking a step "Forward."

In contrast...

Mr. Obama spoke only after Mr. Romney spoke - twice.

Mr. Obama's brief statement was weak.

Mr. Obama did not take questions.

Mr. Obama flew to Las Vegas for a fundraiser - greeted by a rambunctious crowd that had no idea what had happened in Egypt and Libya. And his unprepared and inadequate brief account of what happened in the Middle East, to include the murders of four Americans, was sophomoric while moronic supporters chanted "We love you." 

Let's get this straight.

Mr. Obama's foremost responsibility, as President of the United States of America, is protecting America and Americans. 

Mr. Obama is responsible for what happened in the Middle East on the anniversary of 9/11. 

Mr. Obama is responsible for the deaths of those four Americans in Libya.

Mr. Obama is responsible for the safety of all Americans in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Mr. Obama has a record of talking - words of convenience for the time and the audience. Consistency of message there is not. And we are witnessing the consequences, again.

Whatever Mr. Obama may say, he bears responsibility for what America does and fails to do in response to the attacks.

Americans better be damn angry.

Americans better be thinking.

Marcus Tullius Cicero, an influential politician, lawyer, orator, philosopher, and leader, left something for any citizenry to think about.

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague."

An American citizen's pledge pertains...

"I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands; one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all."

That is, allegiance is to country; not man.  

An American military officer's oath of office pertains...

"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God."

That is, why did America's most senior military officer, an Army four-star general and Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, telephone an America citizen a few days ago and attempt to silence freedom of speech?  

And, why did Mr. Obama refuse to meet with the President of Israel, an ally, whose country is facing imminent danger and survival at the hands of Iran but agree to meet with the President of Egypt whom Mr. Obama is not sure is an ally or not?

Now, about that title question?

Post Script 

53 days...

Forever may she wave!


12 September 2012


by Andy Weddington
Wednesday, 12 September 2012

"Diplomacy is the art of saying "Nice doggie" until you can find a rock." Will Rogers

Yesterday America paused to pay tribute to thousands of souls, American and foreign too, murdered 11 years ago by Muslim terrorists.

While we took a knee and bowed our head, more Muslim terrorists attacked killing four Americans - our ambassador, a foreign services officer, and consulate personnel serving in Libya.

Mr. Romney, candidate for president, did not waste time making a public statement condemning the attack. He followed with another statement with more condemnation and emphasized the need for America's confidence in cause, clarity in purpose, and resolve in might. And he spoke to leadership. Strength was his message.

President Obama spoke after Mr. Romney. Symbolic of more 'leadership from behind'?

After that attack 11 years ago President George W. Bush, without blinking and without apology, served notice to the world - you are either with us or against us. Clear enough. And he told the military to "Be ready."

For the next seven years a multi-pronged fight was on against terrorists where ever they tried to hide. And they were steadily and systematically decimated.

Though President Obama has continued the fight, he's sent confounding messages. His apologies and Muslim outreach program doomed from the onset. Our enemies have been watching and hearing, not seeing and listening, and scheming. Yesterday, the timing of their attack no coincidence, they served notice they do not respect Mr. Obama and they are not afraid of us.

That Americans were murdered, and our colors torn and torched, on our day of reverence is an insult. However diplomatically framed, the Muslim terrorists spitted, urinated, and defecated on Mr. Obama, and us. 

Nonetheless, the United States of America, though marginalized by a weak president, is still an exceptional nation.

Our military, though emasculated by a weak president, is still a formidable force.

The nonsense going on in the Middle East is a test of our policy, resolve, and might. And in reality a statement as to our safety - abroad and home.

President Bush was exactly right. Our global relationships are as simple as friend or foe.

The mere presence of overwhelming military force can prevent many a diplomatic problem. When necessary, swiftly applied overwhelming military force can solve many a diplomatic problem. And change attitudes.  

And with that there should only be two physiological human reactions when the colors of the United States of America appear on the horizon...

Tears of joy or beads of sweat.

The days ahead will be interesting. However interesting they may be, they had better be tearful for many and sweaty for some.

Our enemies respect strength not tough talk.

President Obama characteristically talked - as is his habit, with a touch of toughness.

But what will he do? 

For blood, he must draw sword. Words won't cut it.

Post Script

Send in the Marines! Lots of them.

Author's Endnote

Yesterday's tribute to 9/11


11 September 2012


By Andy Weddington
Tuesday, 11 September 2012

"I was in uniform for four years, and I know that heroism doesn't occur from taking orders, but rather from people who through their own willpower and strength are willing to sacrifice their lives for an idea." Thor Heyerdahl (1914-2002)

I knew someone murdered on Tuesday, 11 September 2001.

He took orders - willingly - well knowing the idea for which he did so may one day cost him his life. But surely he (nor anyone else) never imagined payment would come due that Tuesday morning eleven years ago today.

Today's comment was first published three years ago. As in past years, I will republish every 11 September for as long as I continue this forum. Included this year are a couple of photographs to complement the story - to put a face with the name. And the endnotes are new.

Even if you've read today's story at least once of the three previous postings, I kindly ask you to take a few minutes to read it again. For it's a good reminder that a fanatical, determined enemy is busy scheming, maneuvering, and attempting to destroy America - and ever will be. 

Osama bin Laden, a murderer amongst murderers, is dead. So are dead scads of vermin. And there is scads more vermin to hunt down and kill - and ever will be. Apathy is deadly. And rest is not an attack position.

Pass it along, please.

From Friday, 11 September 2009...

By Andy Weddington
11 September 2009

Today, communities, towns, and cities--coast to coast--will hold "9/11" Memorials. As it should be.

Countless newspapers, magazines, Internet blogs, and TV news programs will remember "9/11." As they should.

And far more famous and eloquent writers--with all sorts of impressive credentials, distinguished awards, and professional accomplishments--than I will recall the tragedy from a macro perspective; the temporary crippling of our nation, and the world. And that is okay; it is necessary.

Some writers and commentators will innocently skim over or completely overlook the micro. Still others will intentionally snub the micro--as to not rile America's anger as she reflects, remembers, and continues to heal--for no other reason than to promote a twisted political agenda. That is, they will deliberately work to just "let the sleeping dog lay."

But the micro--the human variable--is really all that matters. In fact, stirring up the "micro" is what will ensure no one ever forgets, ever--the shock of pure horror and the pain of nearly inconsolable anguish and grief. And remind our leadership and countrymen to remain alert and on-guard--to protect the homeland and Americans abroad.

For me, "9/11" was personal; on many fronts. And my purpose--my mission--today is to ensure no one ever forgets that it was personal for everyone who lost a loved one--family member or friend--that awful day and in the days that followed.

Therefore, today's Commentary will focus on the "micro"--honoring the life and selfless service of a fellow American--a "black shoe" Sailor--a hero. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my distinct privilege and honor to present to you...

Lieutenant Commander Patrick Jude Murphy, U. S. Navy
25 June 1963 - 11 September 2001

American Airlines Flight 77--with cockpit controls resting in the filthy hands and warped minds of Muslim extremists--inexplicably changed course; it headed toward Washington, D.C. As it turned out, the Pentagon. Flying well below treetop level, once a friendly airliner now a hostile missile, it--without warning--slammed into the side--and ripped toward the heart--of America's defense headquarters. It was 09:37 on Tuesday morning, 11 September 2001.

Eight years ago today, the Arlington, Virginia, landmark recognized as the world's most powerful iconic symbol of military might was the target of one of four civilian commercial passenger jets--the big tin birds--turned into weapons of mass destruction against America. The attack--SHOCKING and UNBELIEVABLE--left us momentarily stunned--incoherent.

Our enemies cheered and celebrated--they had wounded Goliath. But their partying would be short-lived. For our wound they would pay, and pay big time, having grossly underestimated the wrath of a bleeding, angry, and incredibly powerful giant. And their hell is not over yet. In holes they still hide.

The unprovoked, surprise attack was surreal. For those who did not already know it, it made a defining world-wide statement: the modern battlefield has no boundaries--it is nonlinear. And though the term "nonlinear" says it all--most civilians never considered the possibility of finding themselves in the middle of a war. Welcome to 21st century warfare--without rules; at least as waged by our enemy. Our enemy has one objective--kill as many western civilians/infidels as possible. By whatever means available. Men, women, and children--regardless of age, are fair game. 9/11 was testament they were serious, and determined. Make no mistake, they continue to be a serious, dangerous threat to our way of life.

Excluding the fifty-nine innocent passengers on Flight 77 (who gives a damn about the worthless lives of five miserable terrorists!), 125 souls perished in the Pentagon; including fifty-five of America's finest men and women--volunteers--patriots--all clad in an American military uniform. Scores more were injured.

Among the dead military was a Sailor named Lieutenant Commander Pat Murphy--a native son of Flossmoor, Illinois--a small village of 3.5 square miles in south suburban Cook County that, at the time of Pat's death, claimed a populace of a smidgen more than 9,300. More than likely, many in the village knew Pat.

Fifteen years earlier, after completing course work for a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering and finishing a demanding Naval ROTC program curriculum, Pat Murphy was commissioned an Ensign in the United States Navy at the University of Mississippi--home of the Ole Miss Rebels. Yes, Hotty Toddy!, Ole Miss alum.

After commissioning, Ensign Murphy, having breezed through the rigorous screening and interview process, reported to the Navy's challenging nuclear power training program. Many a talented officer is not selected for nuke power; it is reserved for the elite. That Pat was among the chosen, excelled, and subsequently assigned to nuclear-powered submarines says plenty about his God-given abilities and skills. He served among a rare breed.

Pat Murphy was a smart guy. One of those types in the military that his less-gifted peers--and undoubtedly with a bit of envy--refer to as a "ten-pound brain." And other intellectual inferiors joke that the only reason these extraordinarily bright people have a body is to carry their brains around. Only the "non ten-pound brainers" see the humor. Yes sir, Pat Murphy was one smart guy. And an all-around pleasant, stand-up man. A gentleman.

It surprised no one that Pat did well in the fleet. But after attaining the rank of Lieutenant and completing his obligatory active duty service, he opted to resign his regular commission, accept a reserve commission--to "RE-Serve" his country, as Vice Admiral John Cotton, U. S Navy (Retired) liked to say when he commanded the Reserve Force, and return to civilian life to pursue a career as a chemical engineer.

Pat Murphy had big plans--among them was starting a family. Pat married his college sweetheart and the Murphy's eventually welcomed two children--sons--to the world. For Pat, coming from a broken home, family meant everything. He was determined to give his children that which he did not enjoy--a stable home with a loving mother and father. He did exactly that. Pat was a great Dad and was close to his boys.

Life was good for the Murphy's. And then the unimaginable happened. The proverbial lightning bolt struck--on a crystal clear day in Arlington, Virginia.

A "RE-Serving" officer for five years, it was just his extreme bad luck to be on his two-week annual training, working with Navy Command Center in the Pentagon, on that dreadful day--the day today known simply as "9/11." A day, that anyone of age who remembers, recalls exactly where they were and what they were doing while the land of the free nervously watched and helplessly waited for the next commandeered airliner to strike. The World Trade Center Towers; the Pentagon; a field in Pennsylvania--if not for brave passengers, the Capitol; ...no one knew if more were coming or not. Finally, the skies declared clear, a terrified nation caught its breath.

Amid devastation and chaos, it took a few days before official casualty lists--Department of Defense or otherwise--were released to the public. Accuracy superseded speed; of course. On Friday, 14 September, while scanning the Pentagon's list looking for familiar names, I happened upon "Lieutenant Commander Patrick Murphy."

My heart sank. You see, I knew a Patrick Murphy at Ole Miss in 1986 while serving as the Marine Officer Instructor on the Naval ROTC Unit Staff. And though not an uncommon name I had an unsettling gut feeling it was the same Patrick Murphy.

After attempting to confirm suspicions through sundry sources without success, I shared my feeling and concerns with my wife--a close friend of Pat's wife. After a few moments of discussion we decided to call the Murphy home. Linnea's call was answered. She identified herself and explained the purpose for phoning. The gentleman on the other end identified himself as John, Pat's brother, and confirmed it was indeed the same Pat Murphy on the casualty list.

John was polite--of course struggling with emotion--and said he was "running interference" and would be happy to take a message. As he repeated my wife's unusual name and began spelling it, Pat's wife overheard and said, "Wait, John, I will take that call." Use your imagination--it was a tough, tearful conversation.

The Murphy household was devastated. A distraught wife laboring to comprehend reality. Their two young sons--one 6, the other 3--too young to understand why Dad would not be coming home. Even children, in their own way, must cope with the fact life is not fair--heartbreaking. Now, along with thousands and thousands of other families devastated on 9/11, the Murphy family was reeling from shock, excruciating heartache, asking the rhetorical question, "Why?", and gradually coming to grips with their new lives--all whilst trying to figure out how they were going to take even a small step forward.

Pat's wife, along with more than 1,600 others, lost her spouse (partner)--her lover. The boys were among more than 3,000 children who lost a parent--their Dad was gone. And all were facing the same gut-wrenching circumstances--the overwhelming challenge of how to put their instantly shattered lives back together. Somehow they did. Yet scars remain--they will for life.

My wife and I remain friends with the family Murphy. She is in a good place--though she misses Pat every day. Once boys are developing into young men, old enough to know their Dad, whom Mom continues to work hard to keep "alive," was one hell of a man--a son, a brother, a husband, a father--"Dad," a friend, a Sailor, a shipmate, a patriot and most telling of his character, a hero.

Pat's name, and sacrifice, is preserved as part of the Pentagon Memorial--opened on this date last year--honoring the 184 good souls who died either in the Pentagon or aboard the airliner.

Lieutenant Commander Patrick Jude Murphy, United States Navy, today rests peacefully. Honored in Arlington National Cemetery--a greener and more reverent pasture there is not for our country's best and bravest. He rests among good--the best--company in the protective ranks of a formation. Amid brethren heroes of America he is safe--forever.

"Pat, eternal 'Fair Winds and Following Seas.' Your shipmates are ever vigilant on watch."

At rest, Arlington National Cemetery

Post Script

Clip....................Clop..................Clip....................Clop......................Clip....................Clop................is the repetitive and haunting sound of hooves striking asphalt--reverberating through the cemetery--as a horse-drawn caisson--laden with a flag-draped coffin, and an accompanying burial detail, weaves its way through Arlington National Cemetery. The journey--escorting a veteran to their final resting place. "Mourning March," if you will, is repeated over and over again--daily. The sights and sounds of the traditional procession are spine-tingling. And even on the hottest and most humid of summer days, a glimpse of the detail, or even the sound of hooves, will send an ice-cold chill through your body--the shiver reflex guaranteed. If ever happening upon the somber ceremony, "brothers" laying a "brother" to rest, take the time to pause and respectfully watch--to honor a warrior. It is moving...moving beyond words.

Author's Endnotes

1. In response to numerous queries, a "black shoe" is a surface (and sub-surface) warfare Sailor. That is, not an aviator.

2. A year or so after first posting this commentary one of the Murphy boys died in an awful accident. He rests alongside his father.

3. Last year, to mark the anniversary of the attack, my wife and I decided to fly coast to coast, east to west, on Sunday, 11 September 2011 - 9/11/11. It was a sobering trip - uneventful but memorable. 

4. This year, at 09:37 (06:37 PST), I will toast, salute, the 9/11 victims - their families, too - with a shot of single malt Scotch. May their sacrifices not be in vain. God bless the United States of America.

Forever May She Wave!