21 February 2016


by Andy Weddington
Sunday, 21 February 2016

Stern accuracy in inquiring, bold imagination in describing, these are the cogs on which history soars or flutters and wobbles. 
Thomas Carlyle

Last evening a cousin sent a note confessing their lean toward Senator Rubio and asked for whom I was leaning. 

In reply, "Keep rhetoric, reality, and results as the variables of importance when observing, analyzing, and deciding upon a candidate. What matters is the walk not the talk." 

So Mr. Trump wins South Carolina. No contest. 

Senators Rubio and Cruz tied for runner-up but double digits behind. 

And Mzz Clinton squeaked by Senator Sanders in Nevada.

Senator Sanders will not be president.

Mzz Clinton will not be president.

Get used to the reality of President Trump. 


Consulting Nature as the ultimate authority on disorder returning to a temporary state of balance, America's only started to wobble.

With President Obama the wobble moved far from our national roots - in ethos and practice. 

Consequently, many an America is angry. Seething. 

Mr. Trump talks bluntly. His words of description for current events and remedy match the observations of those who seethe.

Mr. Trump vows he'll swing America in the opposite direction of the past eight (at least) years. 

Big wobble.

Wobbles in Nature move toward balance. 

Eight years of Mr. Trump?

Most likely. 

Will the next eight years counter the previous eight+ realizing an albeit temporary state of balance?


Could America's wobble only worsen?


As Nature is unpredictable so goes politics. Who knows the variable, human or otherwise, that could change everything. 

Do note that a worsening wobble is not necessarily a bad thing. In Nature it's a necessary thing. It is what it is. Order comes, eventually. 

In Nature wobbles sort themselves out. A bit of Nature we - though absurdly defiant; futilely. 

So we ride - while sternly inquiring and boldly imagining with hopes to soar not flutter nor wobble. 

An admirable goal, we have history proving soaring possible. Yet we also have history of flutter and wobble. 

Mr. Trump just may be Nature's inevitable variable. 

That's pragmatic opinion not endorsement. 

Keep the faith!

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