28 July 2015


by Andy Weddington
Tuesday, 28 July 2015

"Freedom lies in being bold." Robert Frost

Donald Trump is being bold.

People take note of bold. 

Donald Trump is not politically correct. 

People take note of not politically correct. 

Freely, Donald Trump is saying what other presidential candidates will not say but is on the mind of many an angry citizen (fed up with politicians and the ways of Washington). 

People are taking note of what Donald Trump is saying. 

Donald Trump waves the flag.

Donald Trump waves the flag with passion, pride, and without apology. 

Donald Trump believes deeply in the country for which the flag he waves.

Donald Trump talks straight. 

Donald Trump has strengths.

Donald Trump has weaknesses.

Donald Trump is not without fault.

People understand Donald Trump.

People like Donald Trump.

People are indifferent about Donald Trump. 

People do not like Donald Trump. 

People despise Donald Trump. 

Donald Trump is not perfect. 

But all Donald Trump has to do is get more people to like him than do not like him. 

And get more people to like Donald Trump more than they like the so far 15 other candidates wanting the Republican nomination.

My preference is for a freedom-loving, bold, big flag-waving, straight-talking, take no prisoners patriot president because that is what the America seared into me is about, and the America I swore oath to protect and defend. 

America desperately needs, again, a flag-waving president.

Today beyond disgusted and all things considered, I do not have a problem with...

President: Donald Trump


Vice President: Carly Fiorina

Secretary of State: Charles Krauthammer

Attorney General: Judge Jeanine Pirro

Surgeon General: Ben Carson

Secretary of Defense: Allen West

That a team of patriots for America.  

Time to put - respect for God back in America; the absolute fear of God (of America) back in our enemies; and Hillary Clinton in prison.  

And wave the flag! 

Post Script

Countries about the world are led and ruled by characters - some evil. Why should America not be led by a character committed to our red, white, and blue?! To give the evil characters someone to fear and cartoonists a larger-than-life character to draw. 


Major Dennis Copson, USMC (ret) said...

You are so very damned right! He's a rogue, but our country was built with rogues. He could tone it done a smidgeon. I have been reading where no presidential candidate can win a presidential election without the Hispanic vote. Sad, but maybe true.

As for that left wing socialist we have there now, there is no hope for us for 18 months. And he's getting worse. Imagine lighting the entire White House in the rainbow flag of the gays. Andy, you have a big following. I just published an article today about the Chattanooga shooting and the WH in colors--"our" WH, not his!

I'd appreciate it if you could spread my article around your vast circle and let's get some heat on this incompetent, especially for how he treated the four Marines and their families. I think it is a pretty damned good assessment of this guy. Thanks. Give me some feedback. Here is the link:
Your article, "Mr. President, You Need a Time-Out!", has been accepted and published on EzineArticles.com:


Mad Dog said...

Colonel, once again you have hit the nail squarely on the head. I also think you have put together a "dream team" that could get the country back on track. Semper Fi!